I thought Europe was a country?

I was unlucky, like my country.

The country crowd just has fun.

We are a compassionate country.

Oppression makes a poor country.

Every country has it trade offs.

I'm at my country's disposition.

Every age is an unknown country.

All of life is a foreign country.

Is this a great country, or what?

America is a white man's country.

Vermont is a country unto itself.

Every country has their problems.

Country music belongs to America.

I have no nationality, no country.

Science belongs to no one country.

America is a country of young men.

There is no country but the heart.

To lie about a far country is easy

This country was seriously divided.

Loving own country is to love peace

We are a country with a conscience.

We are a strong democratic country.

Canada is a vast and empty country.

Today Syria, tomorrow your country.

A country without idols is nothing.

I am a country boy and proud of it.

My country is taking over in tennis

Now I've wrestled alotta countries!

No man is a hero in his own country.

Only I can turn this country around.

I have three-putted in 40 countries.

The United States is a fake country.

Well, India is a country of nonsense

Country music has the great stories.

A country song is a song about life.

I'm a country boy. I'm from Georgia.

I loved my country, and I hated him.

Everyone loves a mysterious country.

Italy is not a country for beginners.

No country. is as harsh as the world.

Elected presidents are for countries.

Afghanistan is a land-locked country.

I love my country, not my government.

My country is wherever liberty lives.

We are not apathetic in this country.

The country is not in good condition.

Because you're mine, I walk the line.

The Pentagon's lost entire countries.

I am proud of my work for my country.

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