I've used the laws of the country to my advantage.

Love your country, but never trust its government.

An author's first duty is to let down his country.

Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country.

I want to make Mexico the best country to live in.

China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese.

He who dies for his country will live in eternity.

So be it. I’m happy to bring the country together.

In some countries, no one knows who Idris Elba is.

Country roads, take me home, to the place I belong

... any country that is not careful can be seized.

A lot of country pubs will receive Michelin stars.

It is sweet and honorable to die for your country.

In love of home, the love of country has its rise.

Let the country be small, and the inhabitants few.

I'm a little drunk on you, and high on summertime.

A country without a memory is a country of madmen.

The road goes on forever and the party never ends.

Plus I love Tanya Tucker and I love country music.

There's no glory like those who save their country.

The chicken is the country's, but the city eats it.

Every country needs another country to make fun of.

Who is here so vile that will not love his country?

I am a man who loves my country, the United States.

I love country music, but I also love gangster rap.

My country is the world; my countrymen are mankind.

A glorious death is his, who for his country falls.

If you don't have borders, we don't have a country.

Aussies are big and empty, just like their country.

If I have to lay an egg for my country, I'll do it.

Poetry is a natural energy resource of our country.

Gravity is the best cloak for sin in all countries.

I want to leave my country without leaving my home.

This country (United States) has too many freedoms.

So anyway, I really enjoyed the European audiences.

Rich countries do civil wars with tweets and votes.

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer.

Citizenship consists in the service of the country.

I guess country music works better in supermarkets.

The country is not priest-ridded, but press-ridden.

I love being a part of the country-music community.

Every country my country, and every man my brother.

I believe that a strong man makes a strong country.

I die content, I die for the liberty of my country.

If you're callin' about my heart, it's still yours.

Whoever is king, is also the father of his country.

Leadership is not about me, it's about our country.

America is the greatest country in the whole world.

I got skin on the game. I want to serve my country.

The test of good citizenship is loyalty to country.

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