Each country is strong on some tradition.

For love of country, they accepted death.

Become a teacher. Your country needs you.

I want Thailand to be a peaceful country.

I've always wanted to sing country music.

A great country cannot wage a little war.

Europe is a collection of free countries.

No man has the right to say to his country

I've always wanted to drive cross-country.

I think the country has had enough Bushes.

Our country is where ever we are well off.

I always thought of this as God's country.

America is not a country, it’s a business.

Women are strangers in the country of man.

I want to work for the poor in my country.

God is at home. We are in the far country.

Unfortunate the country that needs heroes!

We are today a nearly 100% banked country.

It's a wonder our country doesn't implode.

My God! My God! What will the country say?

The country is in an extraordinary ferment.

Leaving his country for his country's sake.

Any cook should be able to run the country.

I make very basic country rustic furniture.

I'm sorry, I don't listen to country music.

A country without borders is not a country.

No country is free unless it is democratic.

My first occupation was to map the country.

He who seeks truth should be of no country.

One country, one constitution, one destiny.

Country has been a wonderful outlet for me.

New Zealand is my favorite country to visit.

You know, the country is basically peaceful.

I served my country in uniform for 26 years.

In right and service to their noble country.

A police state is a country run by criminals

We have a country, we have to have a border.

Change is constant in a progressive country.

I believe in the country America used to be.

What bosom beast not in his country's cause?

God made the country, and man made the town.

I've got a great place, it's a country house

Italy and Spain really are not my countries.

I'm doing this for my family and my country.

Who dare to love their country, and be poor.

To God, thy country, and thy friend be true.

Tomorrow country then, tomorrow country now.

Italy is a divided country without a center.

Destroy the family, you destroy the country.

Taiwan is an independent, sovereign country.

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