In any democratic country you have more than one view.

...Other countries are way ahead of ours in nutrition.

The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.

He loves his country best who strives to make it best.

It's always an honour doing anything for your country.

He who never leaves his country is full of prejudices.

This country is made up of small towns and big dreams.

We are serving no one man, we are serving our country.

The only country that hasn't liked my music is my own.

Throughout my career, Ive wrestled a lot of countries.

Though I love my country, I do not love my countrymen.

Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning.

I have such a deep love for traditional country music.

What is honored in a country will be cultivated there.

The country's honor must be upheld at home and abroad.

Those who enter the country illegally violate the law.

My country's main exports are stolen cars and sadness.

No country is 100 percent free of human rights abuses.

Ive always wanted to serve my country in some capacity.

Obama is not embarrassing. The country is embarrassing.

America is the best half-educated country in the world.

The schools of the country are its future in miniature.

We're a little lazy about spirituality in this country.

Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State.

The only force strong enough to save our country is us.

[Donald Trump] would be chaos for the country, I think.

When people make my country look bad, I can't stand it.

Other countries have far greater problems than we have.

One omen is best, to fight in defense of one's country.

Humanity has won its battle. Liberty now has a country.

A great way to learn about your country is to leave it.

What this country needs is more unemployed politicians.

India is a democratic country & anyone can become a PM.

I'm a country guy from Mississippi who keeps it simple.

In general, every country has the language it deserves.

My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.

See, there is a tendency to look at India as a country.

You'll be my glass of wine I'll be your shot of whiskey

I don't care about the brand. I care about the country.

If we are a free country, we have the right to be free.

I don't like the country. The crickets make me nervous.

Holland is to dance music what Nashville is to country.

New Zealand is not a small country but a large village.

We've got a wonderful economic formula in this country.

But we think as people and countries, not as a species.

All countries are particular and no models are perfect.

My fame came from my success as a country music singer.

Each country has a soul, and France's soul is equality.

I suppose that's the European way, dangerous and hairy.

A great country can have no such thing as a little war.

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