Covering discretion with a coat of folly.

I guess I do a really good job at covering.

I remember starting out and covering songs.

To avoid lying, do nothing that needs covering.

I'm covering the worst president in American history.

Winter kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow

Sentimentality is a superstructure covering brutality.

I call people who are covering up NSA crimes traitors.

I wouldn't feel right wearing clothes covering my body.

I love covering stories that have huge historic impacts.

When I played in the sandbox, the cat kept covering me up.

I'm not covering up. I don't need a t-shirt on to go wrestle.

I had never been out covering a story, but boy, was that fun.

Unconverted men walk over the pit of hell on a rotten covering.

Covering Africa is 80 percent logistics and 20 percent reporting.

I started covering Trump's charitable giving sort of by accident.

Not really interested in covering other bands songs to be honest.

By far my most perilous assignment was covering a tank car explosion.

I spent 19 years as a Washington reporter covering a variety of beats.

One thing you may be sure of, I was not a party to covering up anything.

We all have insecurities, but some of us are better at covering them up.

In covering breaking news, there's no better way than using a helicopter.

Everyone covering 'Stage Beauty' asks me: 'What's it like to wear a dress?'

In 1990 we ran across Europe through 13 countries and covering 7,130 miles.

Most announcers play pattycake, pattycake with the players they're covering.

I've never seen oil slicks covering such a large area in the Gulf of Mexico.

I spent time in, like, criminal courts, and covering murder trials for papers.

In my case, I was covering politics in Texas as a newspaper man in the 1960's.

I feel like I've been playing, coaching and covering basketball my entire life.

'A Pirate Looks at 40,' we had to do that song. I've been covering that forever.

Islam's not just about covering your hair. It's about how you treat other people.

The only thing government does better than killing is lying and covering things up.

Journalism is about covering important stories-with a pillow, until they stop moving.

Hell, covering all with its gloomy vapors, has cast shadows on even the holiest eyes.

Managers who are skilled communicators may also be good at covering up real problems.

Tundra is a huge, forever frozen wetland covering the entire coast of the Arctic Ocean.

And I realized that there was no sports reporter, so I started covering sporting events.

I spent another six years in Europe covering sporting events such as the Tour de France.

Arrogance is a veneer -- a thin covering of excuses hiding deep performance deficiencies.

I used to always buy clothes too big, but I should have showed off instead of covering up.

In fifty years of covering the sport, of course Muhammad Ali is by far the dominant figure.

I just think that a metal band covering a bunch of metal songs is so boring, so 'done before.'

I didn't care for beat reporting, covering the same thing day after day - short attention span.

With sociolinguistics, after covering the basics of the field, I focused on discourse analysis.

My 2016 was basically spent covering Donald Trump and falling madly in love with James Fletcher.

I worked in Ann Arbor for two years, covering Michigan football and basketball in the early 1990s.

Am I the only person covering politics who ever noticed that Newt Gingrich is actually a nincompoop?

Maybe that's the whole teen oeuvre, you know covering people in disgusting bodily fluids and whatnot.

Rauner needs to tell Illinoisans what essential health benefits he intends to keep covering in Illinois.

Michael Phelps and Willie Nelson are teaming up to do an album. ... They're covering The Doobie Brothers.

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