Money is a poor man's credit card.

Money is just the poor man's credit card.

The world does not need another credit card.

Credit card interest payments are the dumbest money of all.

Make this the year you tackle that credit card debt once and for all.

What this country needs is a credit card for charging things to experience.

I don't shop online. I'm always scared to put my credit card on the Internet!

Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill.

Estonians are much more used to Internet banking rather than an online credit card.

A check or credit card, a Gucci bag strap, anything of value will do. Give as you live.

Evening bags should be just big enough for my phone, lipstick, house key, and credit card.

Physical money, whether it's checks or cash or credit card, are digitizing in front of us.

I use a credit card for everything - and I choose one of the ones which gives you money back.

I'm the worst customer for a credit card company because I always pay my balance off every month.

My friend Paul Ryan talks about fiscal responsibility, but voted to put two wars on a credit card.

Increasingly, editing means going to lunch. It means editing with a credit card, not with a pencil.

Credit card agreements run as long as 30 pages, and it's 30 pages of largely incomprehensible text.

You stick a credit card in a machine, and you pay $3 or whatever it is to get cash - your own money.

Late payments also hurt your FICO score. And never, ever take out a cash advance on your credit card.

In 1973, a woman could not get a credit card without her husband or father or a male signing off on it.

Former Senator Al D'Amato in 1991 offered an amendment to cap credit card interest rates at 14 percent.

I very rarely use a credit card, but I do if I know I have big bills coming and I need to stagger payment.

Making a big Hollywood film that really affects people is as hard as making a small movie on a credit card.

This is my ultimate fantasy: watching QVC with a credit card while making love and eating at the same time.

I haven't reported my missing credit card to the police because whoever stole it is spending less than my wife.

Simply calling your credit card issuer and asking them to lower your interest rate may yield immediate savings.

Typically, students slide into debt through the extension (by credit card companies) of unaffordable credit lines.

I go to the Caribbean for a month every January with hand baggage only. All you need is a passport and a credit card.

Whenever I've been well-known or hitting the press, I've always had to get my credit card out to prove I'm Damien Hirst.

If the only way you can build an emergency fund is to pay the minimum due on your credit card, that is what you need to do.

Most of my life's information is public. I got a text one day from a hacker who texted me all of my credit card information.

You don't realize how much you use your credit card not even to buy things. It's a card you get so you can navigate society.

Bitcoin will make a dent in society when more normal transactions occur that would have occurred with dollars or credit card.

I'm a neurotic Jew who doesn't want loans. I can't even carry a balance on my credit card without having a nervous breakdown.

Web sites are designed to keep young people from using the keyboard, except to enter in their parents' credit card information.

I never carry a purse. My iPhone is always with me, a credit card, and a piece of mint chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream gum.

A cash advance on a credit card is one of the worst types of borrowing because the interest rate is typically 21 percent or more.

When I turned fifteen, I remember my father gave me a credit card which I was allowed to use for two things: emergencies and books.

After we have put our intimate secrets and credit card numbers online, what can prevent us from putting our elections there as well?

If you don't have the money management skills yet, using a debit card will ensure you don't overspend and rack up debt on a credit card.

Why don't we call on the credit card companies to be accountable? They need to be held accountable for their predatory lending practices.

When I was young, people lived from paycheck to paycheck. Today, it seems like they live from credit card payment to credit card payment.

Your goal should be to pay off your credit card bills in full at the end of each month and set aside money toward your emergency savings.

There are clearly some policies that need to change, and the reputation of the credit card industry is not high. Reforms need to take place.

Those carrying a credit card balance should scale back to making the minimum payment each month so they have more money to put into savings.

I can walk into Tower Records, go get my box set, take out my Steve Miller credit card, and the clerk will look at me and go, 'Thanks, next.'

I can walk into a bookstore and hand over my credit card and they don't know who the hell I am. Maybe that says something about bookstore clerks.

I try to use my debit card rather than a credit card, but I will use a credit card for big purchases because I bank with Coutts and I get points.

Banks introduced the installment plan. The disappearance of cash and the coming of the credit card changed the shape of life in the United States.

Companies that make keys, credit card companies, any company in the service business - anything to do with a consumer is probably a software company.

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