In a time of crisis, there is rational tendency to turn to the writer.

When is a crisis reached? When questions arise that can't be answered.

Nobody but radicals have ever accomplished anything in a great crisis.

Real style is not having a program - it's how one behaves in a crisis.

Why is Jewish owned press so consistently anti-Israel in every crisis?

I just passed my identification crisis and came back to country music.

Don't accept that you are in crisis just because everyone says you are.

Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out.

I fear the financial crisis of 1998 may become the trade crisis of 1999.

The crisis you have to worry about most is the one you don't see coming.

The migrant question is directly linked to the crisis in Syria and Iraq.

We should involve the whole world in the handling of this refugee crisis.

We're out of nuclear-crisis mode and into normal, day-to-day crisis mode.

If you over-react to a crisis legislatively it generally ends in disaster.

Our molting season, like that of the fouls, must be a crisis in our lives.

You cannot solve the climate crisis if you are putting people out of work.

What colonialism does is cause an identity crisis about one's own culture.

But the most important thing is, Enron did not cause the California crisis.

Life isn't like coursework, baby. It's one damn essay crisis after another.

Whenever there is a a financial crisis, it is always the banks that get hit.

Crisis is not a nine-to-five job... Crisis happens when you least expect it.

What caused the economic collapse 2008? It was the subprime mortgage crisis.

In the history of modern capitalism, crises are the norm, not the exception.

We are more capable of turning around our global health crisis than we think.

I often say that good crisis management is good decision-making under stress.

Financial crisis is the moment of truth for real collectors and true artists.

Humor is the only thing that allows you to survive every pressure and crisis.

The crisis is not out there in the world, it is within our own consciousness.

Crack-brained meddling by the authorities [can] aggravate an existing crisis.

There is always a moment in the pyramid of our lives when the apex is reached.

There is a crisis of leadership and governance in Africa, and we must face it.

It's critically important that people trust you during a public health crisis.

Good leaders need a positive agenda, not just an agenda of dealing with crisis.

What we know about the global financial crisis is that we don't know very much.

Good in Crisis; Sucks at Normal.’ That about sums up my whole life, doesn’t it?

After all, a crisis doesn't make a person; it reveals what a person is made of.

I started out in public service in 1998 after the Asian financial crisis of '97.

Wall Street is not being made a scapegoat for this crisis: they really did this.

Right after 'Friday Night Lights' ended, I was in sort of an existential crisis.

[The economic crisis ] gave people the option to put money into private accounts.

I think there is widespread agreement that there is a crisis in public education.

There is a huge crisis of employment in America, in the Western world in general.

The only time you lose at something is when you don't learn from that experience.

I've suffered from an identity crisis my entire life. It's why I went into acting.

In a time of crisis, the peoples of the world must rush to get to know each other.

It's the deleveraging that's going on right now that has caused the credit crisis.

I believe that crisis really tends to help develop the characer of an organisation.

A marriage without conflicts is almost as inconceivable as a nation without crises.

The E.U. intends to be one of the biggest humanitarian donors on the Syrian crisis.

While Social Security faces some long-term challenges, the system is not in crisis.

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