My ability to keep cool in a crisis is based entirely on not knowing all the facts.

I think, more than anything, in times of crisis we should be shedding party labels.

Although I have a variety of obligations, the climate crisis is my central concern.

It's not possible to solve the climate crisis while we continue to expand fracking.

Financial crises are an unfortunate but necessary consequence of modern capitalism.

I fear that the migratory crisis signals the beginning of the end of women's rights.

The British have a remarkable talent for keeping calm, even when there is no crisis.

I think Islam is in a sense, in crisis. It needs to question and re-question itself.

There are no truer choices than those made in crisis, choices made without judgment.

The environmental crisis is a global problem, and only global action will resolve it.

In a crisis, don't hide behind anything or anybody. They're going to find you anyway.

We don't have a crisis of leadership in Washington. We have a crisis of followership.

How do you defend inaction in the face of crisis? How is that defensible for anybody?

The refugee crisis shows we can't be isolated from the world's geopolitical troubles.

When there is a crisis, how you handle the crisis is just as important as the crisis.

The crisis of the 1930s and the populist reactions of that time must not be forgotten.

I would've been able to write anything about mental-health crises had I not felt good.

The crisis of the 1930s and the populist reactions of that time must not be forgotten.

It's been my experience, Charlotte, that the crisis never comes as or when you expect.

There are downsides to implicitly trusting banks, as the 2008 financial crisis showed.

When you're a leader at any level of any scale, leaders are defined at times of crisis.

Canadian money is also called the loony. How can you take an economic crisis seriously?

Hillary Clinton, like Bill [Clinton], you know, they're not the solution to the crisis.

When there is a crisis, the first thing that gets damaged and gets harmed is democracy.

Only those leaders who act boldly in times of crisis and change are willingly followed.

The crisis of the Western world exists to the degree in which it is indifferent to God.

You can't have a mid-life crisis in the airline industry because every day is a crisis.

If I'm going to an event I make sure I plan ahead so that I don't have a fashion crisis.

If you have a crisis, whether on a ship or wherever, there are heroes who rise above it.

The discourse of sovereignty is a relative one when a crisis has become a global crisis.

to have a crisis, and act upon it, is one thing. To dwell in perpetual crisis is another.

Food Stamp recipients didn't cause the financial crisis; recklessness on Wall Street did.

The financial crisis revealed important weaknesses in many areas of our financial system.

Our theology is still in a time of crisis, and I think this will last for some years more.

I lived through crises. September 11 is obviously the biggest one that I've lived through.

The global crisis is caused by pathologies inherent in the global financial system itself.

The crisis of our time is essentially a religious crisis. It is a matter of life or death.

If Freddie Mac is unable to raise capital, it could spark a political and financial crisis.

The American political system is not good at trading sacrifice now to prevent crises later.

If I ever found a place where I belonged, that in itself would be an identity crisis to me.

History reminds us that dictators and despots arise during times of severe economic crisis.

When someone is in crisis, don't start by teaching, leveraging, or explaining. Just be with.

When I was agriculture minister, we drafted specific policies to tackle the agrarian crisis.

When there is a parliamentarian crisis, the only solution in a democracy is early elections.

It's not a secret that we have a crisis in confidence in public institutions in our country.

I was in a band called Groove Solution. Because there was a groove crisis, and we solved it.

I totally relate to Tom Cruise. He's not crazy, it's just the litany of the mid-life crisis.

I'm going to be focused on doing everything I possibly can to help solve the climate crisis.

All people—all lives—are either in a crisis, coming out of a crisis, or headed for a crisis.

Startups live at the intersection of existential crisis and everything going perfectly great.

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