When one has a crisis of faith it means one is struck by the ...

When one has a crisis of faith it means one is struck by the realisation than one has been pretending know things that one doesn't know.

Never waste a crisis.

Never waste a crisis.

I'm not a crisis actor.

Capitalism is in crisis.

A crisis unmasks everyone.

Never waste a good crisis.

Crisis creates opportunity.

Crises precede transformation.

Never let a crisis go to waste

Crisis precedes transformation.

Incompetence is the true crisis.

I always like toast in a crisis.

In times of crisis, cash is king.

Philippine education is in crisis

Materialism is an identity crisis.

Crisis creates leverage to change.

Never let a good crisis go to waste

In every crisis there is a message.

Come a crisis, we want other people.

Leaders flourish in times of crisis.

Financial crises require governments.

There is energy and power in a crisis.

Crises are challenges, not calamities.

Every little thing counts in a crisis.

A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.

Nobody would let us do 'Crisis' again.

I don't like the term mid-life crisis.

All crises, once averted, become jokes.

You cannot meet today's crisis tomorrow.

What you say and do in a crisis matters.

I can keep my head together in a crisis.

Give assistance, not advice, in a crisis.

Something good comes out of every crisis.

Ever heard of the phrase 'midlife crisis'?

I've had the longest mid-life crisis ever.

God doesn't want your crises-mode promises.

The crisis of today is the joke of tomorrow.

Every crisis offers you extra desired power.

Within crisis, are the seeds of opportunity.

Crises in themselves are highly educational.

Everything about women is in perpetual crisis.

He was about as useful in a crisis as a sheep.

In politics, reform never comes before crisis.

Homelessness has become a human rights crisis.

Crisis doesn't create character; it reveals it.

You need a real crisis before you have reforms.

You get to know who you really are in a crisis.

The mid-life crisis hits men harder than women.

The Western world is having an identity crisis.

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