Some things were worth the dance with danger.

Sex in a dance is in the eyes of the beholder.

I did not choose to be a dancer. I was chosen.

If we can think, feel, and move, we can dance.

When I discovered dancing, I learned to dream.

First we have to believe, and then we believe.

I don't do well with snakes and I can't dance.

A sense of humor is just common sense dancing.

My song in 'Vaastav' was my debut dance number.

Acting is really a give-and-take; it's a dance.

The more injuries you get, the smarter you get.

I can definitely dance, but pedestrian dancing.

Dance is the most fundamental of all art forms.

No matter how busy I am, I find time for dance.

Dance Monkey' is about the bad side of busking.

Always the question for dancers is: Can we fly?

Dance every performance as if it were your last.

Dance has always been my passion, and I love it.

A Nation's character is typified by its dancers.

Tap dancing all started with the old clog waltz.

I am dumb when it comes to learning dance steps.

I always want to have more dancers in my company.

Don't dance for the audience; dance for yourself.

I just wanted to perform, to sing, dance and act.

I never thought I would go into the dance charts.

I love dancing, and I dance for my own happiness.

You need the courage to seem foolish and to fail.

Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order.

Those are the men who will dance at your wedding.

You dance inside my chest, where no one sees you.

Anywhere everywhere! Anything anyhow! just dance!

I should not believe in a God who does not dance.

The worst thing I ever did is dance on the table.

Sing your song. Dance your dance. Tell your tale.

In life, as in art, the beautiful moves in curves.

I always, somehow, knew that I was going to dance.

Wives are people who feel they don't dance enough.

Tough guys don't dance. You had better believe it.

I love to dance in the disco, but that's about it.

I'm dancing to the music of the madness inside me.

Dancing almost always turns out to be a good idea.

To shake your rump is to be environmentally aware.

I get up, I fall down, all the while I am dancing.

Dances without purpose have false starts and stops.

The dance goes on forever. So shall I. So shall we.

Dance is a song of the body. Either of joy or pain.

My favorite song of ours is 'Dance The Night Away.'

I love tango, and I used to dance when I was young.

Every dancer lives on the threshold of chucking it.

You're here, and the only dance I want is this one.

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