I love Viola Davis.

Anthony Davis is cool.

Davis Cup is important.

Al Davis fires everybody.

I'm such an admirer of Wendy Davis.

I listen to Miles Davis and Slipknot.

I had a Stuart Davis poster growing up.

Davis Cup is a completely different animal.

Anthony Davis' lateral movement is one of a kind.

Miles Davis is one who writes songs when he plays.

I was the kid that grew up watching Bette Davis films.

In urban culture, Larry Davis is something of a legend.

I've always wanted to play Davis Cup. I love Davis Cup.

There is only one governor, and his name is Gray Davis.

I'm very close with Brian Davis, Thomas Hill, and Marty Clark.

Bette Davis was a close friend. She loved to have a good time.

I learned a lot from Al Davis, and I got a lot better as a coach.

Viola Davis should be a household name. So should Angela Bassett.

My dream role? I think to play Sammy Davis Jr. and his life story.

I wanted the opportunity to work with Judy Davis and Simon Wincer.

If I'm going to be a jazz player, I need to understand Miles Davis.

Ossie Davis is one of my heroes for civil rights and things like that.

I grew up on Bette Davis movies, and Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe.

Even as a kid, I was more enchanted watching Bette Davis than Errol Flynn.

I don't think I have the image that say, Judy Garland has, or Bette Davis.

Phryne Fisher could walk down the red carpet; Essie Davis is something else.

Miles Davis himself, I discovered him when I was 15, and he rocked my world.

Stuart Davis has more to do with what the United States is like than Hopper.

I remember plastering the kitchen with Black Power pictures of Angela Davis.

I want to establish myself as the first Eric Davis, not the next Willie Mays.

Bette Davis is my hero. I'm obsessed with her. I base everything I do on her.

When people are overlooking somebody like Phil Davis, it's a dangerous thing.

Miles Davis and Felonious Monk, they're both great artists who enhance things.

Al Davis was the first to know about my decision to retire, and Mom was second.

I'm not against Flash, and I love the work that people such as Joshua Davis do.

My playing started to develop through the Miles Davis stuff I was listening to.

Pete Wilson deregulated energy as a pay out to Enron, and we blamed Gray Davis.

Gray Davis can run a dirty campaign better than anyone, but he can't run a state.

My musical influences are from the '50s: Bill Evans, Miles Davis and Ahmad Jamal.

Apparently, Bette Davis and a lot of actresses had a hard time in their 30s, too.

I grew up listening to legends such as Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., and Tony Bennett.

Beauty is subjective: Bette Davis wasn't beautiful, but she was more than beautiful.

I prefer playing ATP tournaments and Davis Cup competition rather than Olympic Games.

Look, you're either loved or hated. Which is a good thing, as Bette Davis used to say.

Oh, yes, we were on location with Another Man's Poison, which I wrote for Bette Davis.

I know what I've done for music, but don't call me a legend. Just call me Miles Davis.

Miles Davis is a major influence of mine in terms of the way that I am as a bandleader.

I know Charles Michael Davis. I used to play poker with him when I lived in Los Angeles.

I could never understand the attraction of Bette Davis. I always preferred Jane Russell.

Being inducted into the songwriting hall of fame by Clive Davis, that was pretty memorable.

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