I cut 'Deer Hunter' myself.

I like deer. They're kinda cool.

A wounded deer leaps the highest.

Everything pales in comparison to deer.

I was not meant to go deer hunting every fall.

We were like deer. They were like grizzly bear.

I felt like a deer with a hundred hunters after me.

You don't go hunting for a deer and shoot 50 rounds.

I saw a giraffe with a short neck That was sad Or a deer

I did not actually run down a deer for 'Tammy,' I promise.

Wolves go after a wounded deer, it is the nature of the beast.

Most wives look at me the way lame deer look at a hungry lion.

Spontaneous kindness is to hipsters as high beams are to deer.

'Deer Hunter' is a movie; it is not an attempt to write history.

You shouldn't have to settle for rabbits if what you want is deer

Until the Donkey tried to clear The Fence, he thought himself a Deer.

Deer are like dogs. Except for Bambi, they're pretty personality-less.

I've seen deer. I have lots of woodchucks on my property. And bluebirds. Foxes.

I went hunting, I shot a deer, and it mortified me. I just couldn't do it again.

You know, if you need 100 rounds to kill a deer, maybe hunting isn't your sport.

The Deer don't dineWhen a Wolf's about,And the PorcupineSticks his quill-points out.

Hey, I'm a Catholic deer hunter, I am happy to be clinging to my guns and my religion.

I shoot the same rifle I've shot since I killed my first deer with it when I was nine.

In my cosmology, indigenous wild deer are more important than exotic ornamental shrubs.

Truth is a hard deer to hunt. If you eat too much truth at once, you may die of the truth.

Truth is a hard deer to hunt. If you eat too much truth at once, you might die of the truth.

I have pictures of me feeding deer and possums with baby bottles. I am such an animal lover.

If I wasn’t making music I would probably be in the woods with a big deer….Talking to myself.

How can a deer tell when a leaf falls silent in the forest? She hears it breathing differently.

A pine needle fell in the forest. The hawk saw it. The deer heard it. The white bear smelled it

The fabled musk deer searches the world over for the source of the scent which comes from itself.

My heart 's in the Highlands, my heart is not here; My heart 's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer.

I often have deer on my property and there's a fox and owls. You're not going to see that in the city.

From Vietnam's 'Deer Hunter' to Iraq, films are never about the person who has had his house destroyed.

You have to think about one shot. One shot is what it's all about. A deer's gotta be taken with one shot.

A hot, deep bowl of venison chili is as close to manna from Heaven as you're likely to find in deer camp.

His first instinct was to help me, not sit like a deer in headlights, I now know that Matt isn't one to panic

My dad would take me deer hunting with him, which was pretty traumatic - 'Bambi' was one of my favorite movies.

I haven't seen a bear in person. I've seen deer. I have lots of woodchucks on my property. And bluebirds. Foxes.

This isn't about deer hunting. The Second Amendment is about our right to keep and bear arms to defend ourselves.

You have to go hunting to know the excitement of seeing someone get their first deer. It's a thrill for them. It is.

Follow the deer? Follow the Christ the King. Live pure, speak true,right wrong, Follow the King-- Else, wherefore born?

Things are achieved when they are well begun. The perfect archer calls the deer his own While yet the shaft is whistling.

If you depend on where the chestnuts are going to be, and where the deer are, you have to be attuned to the outside world.

I knew Ali would beat Foreman - absolutely. At Deer Lake, his fight camp in Pennsylvania, his training sessions were awesome.

I don't believe you need high capacity magazines to go hunt. If you have to use 100 rounds to shoot a deer, you're in trouble.

I used to look like a deer in headlights on the red carpet. You step out of the car and it's bedlam. Everyone's got crazy eyes.

As part of the ritual of becoming a man, my maternal uncle, a judge, and his four sons, each older than me, took me deer hunting.

Envy, like the worm, never runs but to the fairest fruit; like a cunning bloodhound, it singles out the fattest deer in the flock.

With all due respect to the nation's fish and game departments, more deer die because people hunt them than because people feed them.

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