The civilized world has a common stake in defeating the terrorists.

Defeating fear is not a light switch. For most of us, it's daily work.

Even for defeating extremists, you need more than a military strategy.

But after defeating Carlos Condit, I've shown I deserve to have a title shot.

I won't back down. I get a satisfaction from being tested and defeating the test.

Even after defeating India, I still have the highest respect for them as opponents.

I think Donald Trump believes in defeating ISIS, resolving issues in the Middle East.

Military history shows air action only cannot achieve the goal of defeating an enemy.

Hollywood stops hiring their star leading ladies when they turn 40. It's very defeating.

When I was 11, I won my first nationals at Savannah, defeating Kelly Henry in the finals.

I believe most evangelicals know that defeating Obama is at heart of our country's future.

I've done things, from the Olympics to defeating two of the greatest fighters of all time.

For them to perceive the advantage of defeating the enemy, they must also have their rewards.

There is no doubt that our nation's security and defeating terrorism trump all other priorities.

You can't talk about defeating insurgencies in the same way that you can with a conventional army.

Party leads to vicious, corrupt and unprofitable legislation, for the sole purpose of defeating party.

I spent a lot of my youth working outside in the elements, and I kind of revel in defeating tough weather.

Hollywood continues to present the U.S. Army as being the good guys, always defeating the aliens or foreigners.

Broadway is so defeating for the most part that it doesn't encourage people to be as tenacious as they should be.

Tyson Fury should be looked at as someone who conquered the world, defeating a nine-year king in Wladimir Klitschko.

Every ounce of resources in our state should be focused on defeating the hidden enemy we all have in common: COVID-19.

We don't have a prayer of defeating the Red Threat of our generation without a long boom of almost unprecedented duration.

I look forward to fighting Nancy Pelosi, and I look forward to defeating Nancy Pelosi in getting the Green New Deal passed.

In my view, airstrikes without an effective ground force are unlikely to make any meaningful contribution to defeating Isis.

Defeating racism, tribalism, intolerance and all forms of discrimination will liberate us all, victim and perpetrator alike.

In 2004, I ran for Congress and lost. In 2006, I ran again and won - defeating Richard Pombo, a seven-term Republican incumbent.

Donald Trump is defeating himself. He is ensuring that Hillary Clinton is elected. I think they would both be absolutely terrible.

I love watching the Serengeti, the way lions live. The only way the king lion loses his crown is by somebody physically defeating him.

I circumnavigated the globe while I was sitting in a prison. It was wonderful because I kept defeating those walls they put around me.

Obviously, winning the World Heavyweight Championship was a memorable moment, but nothing tops the feeling of defeating the Undertaker.

For me, defeating Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts is driving a bigger blow to these institutions of power right in the belly of the beast.

Retarding the aging process would be therapy and enhancement because it would mean defeating diseases and because it would extend our life span.

Defeating malaria is absolutely critical to ending poverty, improving the health of millions, and enabling future generations to reach their full potential.

The first World Cup I followed was Sweden 1958. I watched the games on TV. Brazil won that World Cup by defeating Sweden 5-2 in the Final and Pele scored twice.

Unless you're involved with thinking about what you're doing, you end up doing the same thing over and over, and that becomes tedious and, in the end, defeating.

Defeating a terrorist organization is like fighting a forest fire; there's never a clear moment of victory, and even after you've won, you have to watch carefully.

In 1968, I fought and won the world middleweight karate championship by defeating the world's top fighters. I then held that title until 1974, when I retired undefeated.

If you do a full-on workout and then eat McDonald's or Wendy's, you're defeating the purpose. If you put good things into your body while working out, you'll see results.

I trust, that your readers will not construe my words to mean, that I would not have gone to a 3 o'clock in the morning session, for the sake of defeating the Nebraska bill.

We will never forget the passengers of Flight 93, who courageously confronted the terrorists, defeating another planned attack on America. They are the heroes for our times.

Secretary Rumsfeld used to represent parts of our district in the 1960s. I think that he and his team have done a masterful job in defeating Iraqi forces quickly and decisively.

The administration needs to speak honestly with the American people. Exaggerating our progress in defeating the insurgency or in creating an Iraqi army paints a dangerous picture.

Trying to get my music performed live by bar bands was a self defeating experience. It really just distracted me from what I should've been doing all along, writing and recording.

I convened the first-ever national training conference for prosecutors on how to promote and deal with hate crime issues in terms of prosecutions and also protocol for defeating the gay panic defense.

We must support initiatives that provide clear, concrete measures and milestones that our troops need for defeating the insurgency, building up Iraqi security forces, and handing over Iraq to the Iraqi people.

Reagan won the Cold War by first restoring America's economy and military and then staring down an economically weakened Soviet Union. He knew defeating Russia couldn't be accomplished without laying the groundwork.

Castro was always using his athletes as a way of symbolically defeating the United States in the ring, and after these Cubans defeated Americans in the ring, they were turning down exorbitant sums to leave the island.

We need to get serious about defeating ISIS; we just aren't serious about it yet. I would be very serious about getting it done. I know how to do it. We need to take the fight to them on the battlefield in a more serious way.

President-elect Donald Trump says he's looking for a simple plan for defeating ISIS within his first 30 days of taking office. But even as ISIS has suffered setbacks in Iraq and Syria, its violent ideology continues to spread.

This idea of, there's a locked door; how do you open it? You don't necessarily care what's behind it; you're just more excited about opening the lock... It's not about finding the treasure; it's more about defeating the puzzle.

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