Defending is definitely an art.

Defending is mostly about focus.

Attacking is better than defending.

Defending peace is the duty of all.

Guarding and defending is not easy.

This way of life is worth defending.

In terms of defending Jews, I'm a Jew.

I pride myself on defending and rebounding.

If we must die, we die defending our rights.

Passivity is the same as defending injustice.

Defending the planet means changing the world.

Everybody wants to defeat the defending champs.

Defending is an art, everybody has forgotten it.

I don't really focus on the guy that's defending me.

Everyone has different ways of defending themselves.

I'm tired of defending my character. I am what I am.

My job is all about defending the people that I play.

When I look at my career, I was really about defending.

That's part of my game: just running the wing, defending.

Messi is the best in the world, even when he is defending.

I am in jail for defending human rights, not independence.

I will never relent in defending America - whatever it takes.

Defending Congressional authority should not be a partisan issue.

Defending for a team as offensive as Real Madrid isn't that easy.

Damning taxes is a piece of cake. It's defending them that's hard.

Defending the Impact title against Jay Lethal would be phenomenal.

Can anything be less cool than defending the motion picture academy?

I like bow ties, and I certainly spent a lot of time defending them.

I am sick of defending myself, and I am not going to keep on doing it.

Attacking is the tough part in football; defending is relatively easy.

I am very, very proud of being United States Champion and defending it.

Although offensive play is important, it's defending that gets you titles.

Women in salsa - women everywhere - we always gotta be defending ourselves.

Give the enemy not only a road for flight, but also a means of defending it.

I am much more interested in defending my ideas than defending my identities.

Isn't that the ultimate homeland security, standing up and defending marriage?

Secretary Clinton is perfectly capable of defending her own service in office.

Italy was the hardest league to score goals in. Those guys just love defending.

I'm committed to voting to repeal Obamacare or defending it as much as possible.

This sport is all about winning the fight, setting records, and defending titles.

I'm tired of defending my character. I am what I am. What you see is what you get.

I love attacking, but I hate defending and it's something I need to add to my game.

Nobody wants to be in a position of defending anything Fox might do for minorities.

When you are defending your title at any point in your career, a loss can be fatal.

You never look silly when you're defending the American people and their pocketbook.

Scoring lots of goals in Italy is much more difficult: they are experts in defending.

Rafa Benitez was keen on defending - all dropping back together if you lose the ball.

I don't think of us as defending ourselves. I think of us as a challenger, an attacker.

Does defending liberalism leave you friendless and perhaps wondering about your breath?

After a while, you get tired of being the official Scot and defending everything Scottish.

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