Promise less, deliver more.

My aim is to deliver results.

I deliver my Truth hot and hard.

I rely on people who can deliver.

Deliver bad news early and personally.

You gain trust when you deliver results.

I'm a big boy now, and I have to deliver.

To deliver Brexit you must believe in it.

Capitalism can't deliver decent health care.

You do what it takes. It was on me to deliver.

The universe can take quite a while to deliver.

A new building should deliver a feeling of hope.

I never was a caterer, but I did deliver pizzas.

I feel I have so much more to deliver than music.

We're broke. It's never a fun message to deliver.

I find it hard to deliver straightforward things.

People want government to deliver - here and now.

Success, for me, is a song that can deliver shivers.

No one can deliver visual content like Getty Images.

We need to deliver efficient, transparent government.

It is a fault of the whole team if you don't deliver.

It's important I deliver a great show and a good time.

Any passionate actor, if he is spoon-fed, will deliver.

From heresy, frenzy and jealousy, good Lord deliver me.

I understand how to deliver a message, that's my skill.

Leaders lead but in the end it's the people who deliver.

As an actor you have to deliver what the director wants.

Comedy is an art which is extremely difficult to deliver.

Once I had all the attention, all I had to do was deliver.

I just want to make sure whatever I take on, I can deliver.

For me, democracy must deliver a better life for the people.

It's not about where you're from: it's about how to deliver.

It's a good feeling when you deliver under a lot of pressure.

If you can deliver the big shots at the right time, they hurt.

Sometimes it requires national impetus to deliver real change.

If you make the customer a promise... make sure you deliver it.

I can't deliver lines, but I can talk about food all night long.

And I don't cook, either. Not as long as they still deliver pizza.

I just feel I can deliver the best outcomes for the people of NSW.

I just try to deliver the laughs every time I get the opportunity.

A great screenplay makes everybody step up to the bar and deliver.

There's a wide spectrum of possibilities in how to deliver a song.

I'm confident in our team and our capacity to continue to deliver.

I think the mind should deliver new and fresh designs all the time.

I sure tried to help deliver compromise, consensus, bipartisanship.

The SNP talks a lot - but they have proved that they cannot deliver.

Politicians make phony promises all the time that they can't deliver.

There's no way you can deliver 'the greatest musical of the century.'

Guys in slavery sang praises to the Lord to deliver them from bondage.

When I have an idea, I'm like a pregnant woman. I just have to deliver.

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