Democrats hate success.

My parents were Democrats.

Not all Democrats are the same.

Even Democrats were donating to me.

I come from a long line of Democrats.

Democrats hate Democrats most of all.

The Democrats tax anything that moves.

Some Democrats deserve to be criticized.

Many Democrats have a pre-9/11 worldview.

The most biased people are the Democrats.

I think the Democrats' role is to be vocal.

The Democrats complain; I choose to compete.

Democrats don't relate to middle-class people.

Real Democrats don't abandon the middle class.

The fact is that Democrats cannot stand dissent.

The Democrats in particular are do-nothing guys.

It's our heritage: we Democrats, we dream a lot.

That's what Democrats do best: breed black votes.

I am ashamed of some of Democrats in my own party.

I've done work for both Democrats and Republicans.

The environment is better and better for Democrats.

Real Democrats don't make promises they can't keep.

Democrats cluster in cities, and Republicans don't.

We as Democrats have no apologies to make to anyone.

The Democrats have nothing to cheer but fear itself.

Every poll shows that most journalists are Democrats.

It's important for us as Democrats to stick together.

Are the Democrats going to dance the mandate Macarena?

Republicans spend and borrow, Democrats tax and spend.

Democrats have bad ideas and Republicans have no ideas.

Democrats have a history of backing away, backing down.

Anarchists are simply unterrified Jeffersonian Democrats.

I don't know any elected Democrats that I get along with.

I think Democrats keep the commandments of the Lord more.

I have no limits to my ambition for the Liberal Democrats.

If you support amnesty, you should vote for the Democrats.

Right-to-life groups won't fund us because we're Democrats.

Don't forget the Vietnam War was brought to us by Democrats.

I've heard enough of Democrats claiming a balanced approach.

I'm running against the Democrats. I'm running against evil.

We tend to talk, Democrats, as a party, in legislative terms.

All people are born alike - except Republicans and Democrats.

The Democrats never fight about who is more like Jimmy Carter.

It's not like Massachusetts, where they're baptized Democrats.

Democrats and Republicans alike support our military personnel.

I am a proud moderate republican. But I like democrats as well.

Republicans like to indict Democrats as anti-corporate zealots.

There are lots of bad Republicans, there are no good Democrats.

We need independents, we need the GOP, we need Reagan Democrats.

The Democrats generally recoil from the subject of entitlements.

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