Inspiration in desperation.

There's no deodorant for desperation.

I learned the slider out of desperation.

Desperation sometimes drives innovation.

Despair makes victims sometimes victors.

Desperation is the result of globalization.

Radicalism is but the desperation of logic.

Lottery tickets are a surtax on desperation.

Nowadays men lead lives of noisy desperation.

I cling to my memories of glorious desperation.

The time for desperation is upon us. Let's play.

Desperation can make a person do surprising things.

In life you need either inspiration or desperation.

There can be powerful magic in acts of desperation.

I don't read books for pleasure, but in desperation.

When you sell in desperation, you always sell cheap.

Folly and desperation are ofttimes hard to tell apart.

Men of my age live in a state of continual desperation.

We all need money, but there are degrees of desperation.

we interpret life at moments of the deepest desperation.

Out of the fires of desperation burn hope and solidarity.

When they face desperation... human beings become animals.

Desperation is sometimes as powerful an inspirer as genius.

The desperation meeting the silence with its unmasked wish.

I don't find myself so exercised by a desperation to be new.

Better to seek change by inspiration, than out of desperation.

Well, yeah, but I probably wasn't as open about my desperation.

There's a real sense of desperation when you grow up in poverty.

It's such a dangerous thing for desperation to drive litigation.

There's nothing like desperation to sharpen your sense of focus.

Desperation is a fact of life in many poor, overcrowded countries.

I would like to know how it feels for my desperation to get louder.

Creators care nothing for their systems except that they be unique.

Confidence definitely did not get me here! More of, like, desperation.

I have always used the world of make-believe with a certain desperation.

Most men lead lives of quiet desperation. I can't take quiet desperation!

Success comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration, and inspiration!

When new hopes fail, old hopes return in the endless cycle of desperation.

Marriage is a series of desperate arguments people feel passionately about.

If you are curious, you will learn. If you are desperate, you will discover.

Wheels of fire, cosmic, rich, full-bodied honest victories over desperation.

No insurrection bred out of desperation can be quelled by strong-arm tactics.

I was desperate really for people not to accuse me of coldness. It was taboo.

Hope means to keep living amid desperation and to keep humming in the darkness.

Many books today suggest that the mass of women lead lives of noisy desperation.

Wouldn't this be a great world if insecurity and desperation made us more attractive?

My desperation to be on the stage and perform was like a vocation, a religious calling.

I started writing poetry as a teenager in suburban Chicago out of emotional desperation.

He sobbed in desperation at the burden of fear he carried with him every day of his life.

Eviction reveals people's vulnerability and desperation as well as their ingenuity and guts.

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