Each dancer has a different dialect that they speak.

The London dialect as it is spoken in educated circles.

He [Barack Obama] was light-skinned with no Negro dialect.

Space or science fiction has become a dialect for our time.

A frightful dialect for the stupid, the pedant and dullard sort.

Well, American dialects have been studied for a hundred years or so.

Children, and sometimes those of larger growth, will not read dialect.

A non-standard dialect is as valid communication system as the standard

I did all the dialect work, all my character work completely by myself.

Dialect words are those terrible marks of the beast to the truly genteel.

I have an acting coach, a dialect coach, and just a great team around me.

At any one time language is a kaleidoscope of styles, genres and dialects.

No one writes dialect better than Flannery O'Connor. No one should even try.

I had a dialect coach from the Royal Shakespeare Company who was from Sheffield.

Was there a language of loss? Did everyone who suffered speak a different dialect?

Dialect or the speech of the people is capable of expressing whatever the people are.

If you think of music as a universal language, it still has some very powerful dialects.

The American has no language, he has a dialect, slang, provincialism, accent and so forth

An academic dialect is perfected when its terms are hard to understand and refer only to one another.

Earlier, directors shied away from having a character speak in the Telangana dialect but not anymore.

I am very good with dialects, but the two that I can't do for some reason are the South African and Australian.

'Welcome...' was a challenging role for me. Be it the look or the dialect, every bit of it was new and exciting.

It was hard to do 'Vikings.' It was hard to do 'Copper.' Part of that was, like, there's dialect and other things.

One cannot understand the rhythms and meanings of the outer world until one has mastered the dialects of the body.

My whole deal when I do accents or dialects is I gotta fool the locals. If I fool the locals then I've done my job.

The one thing about internet language, people join it, and what quickly evolves is an 'internet dialect,' as it were.

I guess I'd always mocked the American accent. I didn't consider it a respectable dialect, but I was told that it was.

Bilingual films come with a certain inbuilt practical problem with respect to the setting of the story and the dialect.

The Canadian dialect of English . . . seems roughly to be the result of applying British syntax to an American vocabulary.

I like playing with languages and dialects as we have so many in India. Adding a dialect just makes the dialogues more colorful.

I have a dialect myself; it's more pronounced, because I have studied theatre and been in England. It's half-British, half-Indian.

I had a wonderful, an incredible dialect coach, Brendan Gunn, from Belfast, who has worked with Brad Pitt and Daniel Day Lewis, and me.

Cantonese, which has up to nine tones as opposed to the five in Mandarin, is much more versatile and one of the richest dialects in Chinese.

When you get to speak Irish, you become more at one with yourself, you kind of have a spark when you use it, and I think it's a great dialect.

Each culture might lend its own dialect, but above all that is the language of music itself, and it doesn't care about politics or boundaries.

I began to think that melancholy was a dialect that only some people knew-or could even hear-and in my conversations, I sought these people out.

I don't have a Jersey dialect. So when I approached the singing, I approached it the same way as an actor I approach a dialect, just as a singer.

Spell-check ruins my work. It fixes all my slang and dialect into standard English. So I'm caught in a tangle of technology that feels very foreign to me.

What is jazz? It, It's almost like asking, What is French? Jazz is a musical language. It's a musical dialect that actually embodies the spirit of America.

I had a really fantastic dialect coach that I worked very well with, and I was constantly surprised by the different intonations that the Russian dialect has.

I am grateful that the people of Telangana supported me when I spoke in the Andhra accent, just as much as the people of Andhra embraced my Telangana dialect.

French was the only language we had in common, and even that was like a dialect we had picked up at a rummage sale, rusty and missing a lot of essential parts.

Viewed freely, the English language is the accretion and growth of every dialect, race, and range of time, and is both the free and compacted composition of all.

I did 'Christmas Carol' off and on through my teenage years, so I always had that dialect and that sound in my ear, which was so helpful. It became second nature.

Dialect tempered with slang is an admirable medium of communication between persons who have nothing to say and persons who would not care for anything properly said.

I grew up being fascinated by accents and dialects. One of the things that interested me were actors that were doing different characters, or sort of more caricatures.

Working on the accent helped, enormously. I will tell you that when I brought Michael a correct 'British' accent, one that my dialect coach was happy with, he hated it.

Readers in general are not fond of dialect, and I don't blame them. I've read books myself that I've had to put down because sounding out every speech gave me a headache.

When I arrived in L.A., I assumed I'd be able to put on the American accent. It proved difficult, so I had six months working with a dialect coach, and it's become a habit.

Dialect was my biggest fear. So, I spent a long time working with dialect coaches just trying to get American down. I think it's very important and very easy to misinterpret.

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