I talk about Beyonce too much. I am a diehard.

I may not be a party-hopper, but I'm a diehard romantic.

Yes, I am a diehard romantic and passion is my second name.

I've been a diehard fan of 'The Simpsons' since I was a kid.

I am a diehard Seahawks fan because I'm born and raised in Seattle.

I am such a diehard romantic. I guess a part of me thinks I am Juliet.

I live a very quiet life, although I'm very urban and a diehard New Yorker.

I thought I'd never do film, let alone television. I was a diehard theater nut.

I am a diehard romantic, and I shamelessly accept that. I love writing letters.

Orthodoxy is the diehard of the world of thought. It learns not, neither can it forget.

Before being a player, I was a diehard fan of Roma, so I know what the fans felt when we won.

I have a lot of diehard fans. Ace Frehley fans and Kiss fans are the greatest fans in the world.

I loved growing up in Washington, but I have been a diehard, 100 percent 49ers fan since I was 11.

My dad was a diehard Cowboys fan. I was raised as a Cowboy fan, and I was forced to be a Cowboy fan.

If people buy into the band, you'll always have tour that sells and you'll always have that diehard base.

Pantera is a marquee band, with the most diehard fans. We sold over 20 million records without MTV or radio.

It seems everyone who knows about Celtic knows they are historical, and if you play here, expect diehard fans.

I have my diehard R&B fans on one side of the spectrum and my diehard pop and dance fans on the other side of the spectrum.

My father loved Brazilian football, a diehard follower, so of course, he hated Germany and always rooted against them, always.

I always liked 'Green Lantern,' but I wasn't necessarily a diehard fan. I read stories here and there when I came across them.

It's pretty clear I am a diehard Chris Cornell fan, so his voice, musicianship, and lyrics have touched me across many different projects.

In junior high, when we got our first VCR, I used to tape four soaps a day. I was a diehard 'General Hospital' fan from when I was nine to 25.

I'm open to sci-fi, but I was never a diehard fan. I have no idea why it keeps following me. I'm extremely lucky, I guess; it's a lucrative venue.

I'll be a diehard bodybuilder until my last breath, but I want my brand and the movement we are creating to touch all aspect of the fitness community.

It's more important to have the one million diehard fans than to have 54 million people who aren't necessarily fans, or they might have liked one thing you said or one video.

I've been a fan of comics, but I've never been, like, a diehard: like, I've never really owned a bunch of comics or anything. But I've always been drawn to them and read them.

There's even a feature on my website where you can translate messages into codes, so whenever I have any big news it goes out in code first so the diehard fans are the first to know.

I was very personable and outgoing and was friends with most everybody in my class but I was a diehard dancer so I was constantly at dance classes and working toward my passion of dance.

My favorite musical? I don't. It changes all the time. I'm just a diehard, I'm totally old school, like I'll sit and watch, if they are re-doing Oklahoma in New York, I will be the first one there.

I had a drummer I really wanted to move to Nashville with me, and he's like, 'Naw, I can't go, man.' He never could pull the trigger. It's a big move. You just gotta be diehard - you gotta give it your all, you know.

I have Bob Dylan lyrics on my ribs. I'm a diehard Dylan fan, and my dad and I joke that if I ever met him, I'd have him sign his name right under my tattoo and then I'd run to the parlor to get his signature tattooed.

Now I love hoops. I'm a diehard UCLA fan, have been since my freshman year. But basketball is the '1812 Overture.' Pomp and circumstance, fireworks and cannons, lots and lots of fun, and in the end, still Tchaikovsky.

I was a diehard fan of '24' since the beginning. But being on the show, there was stuff I never thought about as a viewer, like, wow, it's going to be a single day for 10 months out of your life - you have to look exactly the same every day.

'All In' is like the Giants motto, so I kind of took that, and I kind of used New York as the backdrop - how diehard New Yorkers are for their team. Me being a New Yorker, I just had to show my love for the city as well as my love for the New York Giants.

The most common thing over the years is, 'What's it like to work with David Lynch?' That's absolutely the fascination, whether it's people that are in the industry or it's just diehard fans. Because he's our modern-day master. We're lucky enough to be alive at the time that an absolute master and genius is working.

I live for the Red Sox. I thoroughly enjoy them. For whatever reason, baseball has been a lot more fun for me in recent years. I loosely follow the Patriots and I root for them. I loosely follow the Celtics and then it gets to playoff time and I don't miss a game. Same with the Bruins. I'm not the diehard fan anymore.

I've been pretty lucky with neighbors. But back in 1998, I lived, like, literally next door to Wrigley Field in Chicago. And I had, like, 50,000 bad neighbors spread out over the course of one summer. I'm a diehard Cubs fan, but living right next to the ballpark, it's just - as you're trying to go to sleep, you can just, like, hear urination.

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