Upper berth, lower berth, that's the difference between talent and genius.

I will, from this day strive to forge togetherness out of our differences.

I hope that my work makes a difference because I think that's why I do it.

We're all going to die. While I'm still here, I want to make a difference.

And good neighbors make a huge difference in the quality of life. I agree.

Like the herd animals we are, we sniff warily at the strange one among us.

All disgrace smells alike. Differences in ruin are only matters of degree.

I think it takes a little bit of crazy to make a difference in this world.

There is all of the difference in the world between paying and being paid.

Parts of the world can be very hostile to differences, social or artistic.

I hope we can all overcome any differences of culture, race, and language.

The will to persevere is often the difference between failure and success.

The difference between fashion and art is that fashion is art in movement.

The difference between right and wrong is often not more than five metres.

The difference between who you are and who you want to be, is what you do.

Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.

But it is not really difference the oppressor fears so much as similarity.

Adversity will surface in every life. How we meet it makes the difference.

I try to be good to myself. Look, we're human and people have differences.

Differences will always exist, but division doesn't always have to result.

Believe with all your heart that how you live your life makes a difference

There's a difference between silence meaning agreement and being silenced.

Don't chase success. Decide to make a difference and success will find you.

The Poplar grows up straight and tall, The Pear-tree spreads along the wall

Whether we like it or not, gender differences matter in a combat situation.

During a big tournament, it is the small details that make big differences.

The multiplication force of technology on cognitive differences is massive.

Complaining doesn't make a difference; it's useless and it's wasted energy.

There may not be much difference between Democrats and Republicans anymore.

Too many people think that reconciliation means you soft-pedal differences.

Do you think there's a difference? Between belonging with and belonging to?

There is a difference between listening and waiting for your turn to speak.

Be brave. Even if you're not pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.

To me, Texas is Austin, a bunch of cool people trying to make a difference.

Cumulatively small decisions, choices, actions, make a very big difference.

Sometimes there is a difference in what is legal and what ought to be done.

Market segmentation s a natural result of the vast differences among people

Reason respects the differences, and imagination the similitudes of things.

The only sin that we never forgive in each other is a difference in opinion.

There is a vast difference between treating effects and adjusting the cause.

You got a God. Don't make no difference if you don' know what he looks like.

There is more difference in the quality of our pleasures than in the amount.

The difference between a republic and an empire is the loyalty of one's army

So far I’m not seeing a lot of difference between me and a carnival con-man.

Even small acts of kindness can make a profound difference to somebody else.

What's the difference between being dead, and just not knowing you're alive?

There is a wide difference between true courage and a mere contempt of life.

Half of Japan still couldn't tell the difference between crime and politics.

Market segmentation s a natural result of the vast differences among people.

Once there were 'outside' and 'inside' paintings-now there is no difference.

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