Inspiration comes from all different places.

Snowboarding has taken me so many different places.

I used to play in biker bars, different places like that.

I like songs that go to different places and then come back.

I kinda grew up in different places. I was just from everywhere.

I go to many different places many times, but I miss my house constantly.

We all have hourglass figures; your sand just settles in different places.

I grew up in a lot of different places, so I pick up accents pretty quickly.

I've always been interested in strange foods, coming from all different places.

I just really like performing for different crowds and seeing different places.

I did some traveling as an amateur and always loved the different places I saw.

I love travelling and exploring different places in India and around the world.

I want to work with different people, and I would like to work in different places.

I was in a military family, so by the time I was 13 I'd lived in six different places.

I love people that kind of have those life experiences that take them different places.

It's always cool to go to different places and see what's really out there in the world.

I spent a large part of my 20s and 30s living in different places, including tower blocks.

I'd love to be able to multiply because then I could be in lots of different places at once.

If you look at my career it has always been about overcoming difficulties in different places.

I saw the excitement, going to different places, being able to explore emotion in a healthy way.

A memoir is always the most authentic telling of a situation, but a novel gets to different places.

Since I am a big foodie, trying out different places to eat is the most exciting part of my travels.

I've been traveling the world and experiencing different places, and you always discover new things.

World music is about taking things from different places and bringing them together - which is great.

I'm used to not staying anywhere for too long. I've always had it in my DNA to go to different places.

It's fascinating to see how versatile New York City is. It lends itself to being so many different places!

I certainly was never the pretty girl at school, but I can go to a lot of different places with this face.

The most interesting thing was looking out the window and taking photographs of different places on Earth.

I like travelling to different places and trying out different cuisines. I like experimenting with my food.

Michigan is two radically different places - the North and the South which makes for good drama and contrast.

I did grow up in a small town. I grew up in a lot of different places. But I consider my home to be Cleveland.

I competed in different places all over the world. I represented my country in the Pan-American championships.

The music always takes us to different places. We'll just continue to play and see what doors open from there.

Whenever we go to different places fans in each country prepare something before we go on stage for our encore.

I've been a big fan always of getting my camera in different places and trying to seek the unusual vantage point.

I really love mountain sports, hiking, skiing, and I love to travel and get to know different places and cultures.

As a musician I'm kind of nomadic, Waldo-like. I show up in different places, and I'm witness to unbelievable things.

You take stuff from different places, and sometimes you stick a line in because it rhymes, not because it makes sense.

Going through different places, I stopped through Dubai and stayed there overnight. There I had an ultra-culture shock.

My dad's from Zimbabwe, and my mom is Danish, Irish, and Norwegian, so I have influences from a lot of different places.

All writers are magpies, right? We're always stealing bits from different places and then weaving them into our little nest.

I don't get jet lagged that much. I'm so used to traveling and being in different places every day that I can sleep anywhere.

Think of The Rontourage as the Ron White Channel, where you can see us getting into trouble in all kinds of different places.

People are looking for original content in many different places, as are advertisers. This takes us into a whole new ballgame.

Whether you like Mourinho's style or not is open to discussion but he has won in different places and this has a lot of merit.

Everywhere else in the day, my brain is in a thousand different places, but when I'm working out, I can only focus on the pain.

We gotta let hip-hop grow. We gotta let it go through its different phases throughout the different places that's accepting it.

I've trained different places with different people my whole career. I'm going to continue to do so. It's always been a journey.

Different films have different places in people's lives. I don't get to see a lot of films, so I want to watch films I learn from.

I think we need to take a step back and realize what the real issues are - it's not being from different places or being different.

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