I think Ian McKellen made it all happen, because he used to throw dinner parties and invite everyone over.

By the way, the food in prison was disgusting. Like, baked beans every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

You can play golf with liberals, be neighbors with them, go out to dinner. I just don't want them in power.

I can direct breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I take pride in my kitchen, but I'm not going to direct a movie.

Destroying a tropical rainforest for profit is like burning all the paintings of the Louvre to cook dinner.

Literally, I just love food and I like going to dinner with big groups of people so you can try everything.

About once a month or so, my daughter and I go out on what we call a Fancy Dinner Date, just the two of us.

Dean Martin's pancreas, who overheard his liver singing I got a right to sing the blues. Never got a dinner!

A man is in general better pleased when he has a good dinner upon his table, than when his wife talks Greek.

I'm always that annoying person that pulls out the camera in the middle of dinner and starts taking candids.

If pale beans bubble for you in a red earthenware pot, you can often decline the dinners of sumptuous hosts.

Whether it's a big dinner party or people just coming over to hang out, I just love to spend time with them.

If I didn't swim my best, I'd think about it at school, at dinner, with my friends. It would drive me crazy.

Burt Reynolds, great sex symbol of the movies, who said, I owe it all to one great part. Never got a dinner!

I'm so hands-on, from the color of my tour bus to what I eat for dinner at 5 or the way the lights are hung.

To buy dinner transmits that you feel time spent in your date's company has been a pleasure and a privilege.

If a politician found he had cannibals among his constituents, he would promise them missionaries for dinner.

Dinner for me is usually some version of chicken or fish - I love salmon - with grilled vegetables and salad.

I'll just be sitting down having dinner with girlfriends or something and people come up and ruin the dinner.

Moshe Dayan, who said to Sammy Davis, Jr., That's funny, to me you only look half Jewish. Never got a dinner!

Dinner's in one hour. If you're not back, sitting at the table, I'll beat you all unconscious with a spatula.

Bless this highly nutritious microwavable macaroni and cheese dinner and the people who sold it on sale. Amen.

Simon Peter, who embarrassed the other disciples at the Last Supper by asking for seconds. Never got a dinner!

I really enjoy making breakfast and dinner. But breakfast is a good excuse to have some dessert before dinner.

I like to keep Valentine's dinner light so you don't crash after and can keep the fun going through the night!

When I was a nurse my favourite assignment was the anorexic ward. I sometimes ate as many as seventeen dinners

There's nothing I like more than picking fresh vegetables then putting them in the dinner you make that night.

The summer of 2002 at the Wilson birthday party I met Van Dyke again and I made plans to have dinner with him.

If you're texting a friend about dinner, Google will give you restaurant reviews and directions automatically.

Billy Carter, who asked his brother Jimmy, Do you think you could get me on the Gong Show? Never got a dinner!

The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving an excuse.

I have to go out for lunch and dinner because I can't cook. I need a woman to come and save me from my cooking.

If you organise a dinner party, and two guests cancel, it is still a dinner party: you still get to eat dinner.

Most successful American politicians look well-fed on endorsements, campaign contributions and chicken dinners.

The best way to get anybody's attention is dinner. I have good kitchen skills and good grocery shopping skills.

If I'm in a room with 100 people, will I be able to find one person I'd like to have dinner with? Probably not.

I've had to sink my teeth into a role that was probably a fried-chicken dinner and make it into a filet mignon.

Luxury lives in the finer details. It's a cloth napkin at a dinner table. It's a mint on your pillow before bed.

Vincent Van Gogh, who said to the hat salesman, I like it, but it keeps sliding over my ear. Never got a dinner!

Orson Welles, who said to Anita Bryant, Stop picketing me. What I said was I was a thespian. Never got a dinner!

When I get up in the morning, I have to decide what I'm going to have for dinner or I can't get through the day.

We had a farewell dinner for some of my senior staff, and generally everybody likes to talk about how cool I was.

Moses, who said to the children of Israel, Wear your galoshes; I never did this trick before. Never got a dinner!

Strategy is buying a bottle of fine wine when you take a lady out for dinner. Tactics is getting her to drink it.

For a long while, I was really against Twitter. I mean, who cares if I'm in an airport or had broccoli for dinner?

Jack the Ripper's mother, who said to Jack, How come I never see you with the same girl twice? Never got a dinner!

Donald Trump's mother, who said, Donnie! Stop playing Monopoly and get in that barber's chair! Never got a dinner!

I could probably die happy with a cheeseboard and a glass of French red wine - that's my idea of a perfect dinner.

Everybody has heard that family dinner is great for kids. But unfortunately, it doesn't work in many of our lives.

I belong to quite a lot of learned societies. We collect firearms and discuss them at dinners and clubs and things.

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