Supporting actors are the support. You can't make a building without support. You can't buy dinner without support.

I met Elton John at an Interview dinner, and we just sort of became friends. He's got such a wicked sense of humor.

Ha. "Against my will I am sent to bid you come into dinner." There's a double meaning in that. -Benedick (Much Ado)

There are three things being a celebrity is good for: raising money for charity, dinner reservations and tee times.

No one would have been invited to dinner so often as Jesus was unless he were interesting and had a sense of humor.

Going out for rides with my friends and having lunch or dinner at a roadside hotel - that's my favourite time-pass.

Moses, who said when the Red Sea parted, What the hell was that? I was just going in for a dip! Never got a dinner!

I sit around listening to classical music. I don't play video games. I love to go to dinner, go on picnics, travel.

I like women who can throw a ball and laugh loud and have some spine, and I like men who don't mind cooking dinner.

With four-appetizer, four-entree menus, it's like, give me a break. That's not a restaurant, that's a dinner party.

At the dinner table, if you can't think of anything to say, sit quietly. Don't throw rolls, or chew on your napkin.

There is just no comparison between having a dinner date with a man and staying home playing canasta with the girls.

At 2, I start preparing fish or chicken for dinner. I don't drive. I don't have hobbies. I have no desire to travel.

Not only are pasta dishes delicious, but they are also great, easy options for a quick dinner during a busy weekday.

I am open to conviction on all points except dinner and debts. I hold that the one must be eaten and the other paid.

I once had dinner with Madonna and I wasn't nervous but within about a minute I found myself talking about underwear.

I can't stand wearing the same clothes all day. It makes me insane. I like to dress for the afternoon and for dinner.

The thing is I'm very interested in bad taste, as anyone who's ever seen me perform or had dinner with me would know.

To be honest dinner conversations was the worst bit about being a child and listening to the boring people around me.

Stan Musial, who said, Why didn't they make me the first Polish pope? I was such a good Cardinal. Never got a dinner!

Have you ever heard of 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?' I would like to play Sidney Poitier's role - I love that role.

I like dressing up for dates and dissecting a dinner conversation with a new guy to determine if he might be The One.

I grew up in Kentucky, but I did not grow up like that. I had heat, and I didn't have to shoot my dinner or anything.

Any other woman who has to go to work and pick up the kids and make dinner - that's way harder than what I have to do.

I say 'Mom, how come you don't change into an evening gown for dinner?' She says 'I do, it's called a bath robe. [...]

I didn't want to come in the movie every so often, every 20 minutes saying, 'Dinner is served, would you like coffee?'

I did want a boy child because I had this romantic idea that a boy child when he's 16 takes his mother out for dinner.

We raised $10 million in 2011. Our rule was, we wouldn't accept money from anybody we didn't want to have dinner with.

I had the good fortune to spend hours with my parents around the dinner table having debates on politics and economics.

Lately it has become more and more difficult to attend dinner parties without the evening ending in gunfire or tapioca.

Since the days of slavery, if you were a good singer or dancer, it was your job to perform for the master after dinner.

When you can carry five full dinner platters on your left arm, you should be able to vote, even if you're not eighteen.

Some people play the piano, some do Sudoku, some watch television, some people go out to dinner parties. I write books.

I used to love to make things - you couldn't drag me away for dinner because I was always writing a story or something.

At the end of a dinner at my house, my kitchen sink is filled with dishes and there's nothing pretty about the garbage.

The only difference between working on a huge-budget film and a lesser-budget film, is the quality of lunch and dinner.

I created 'Dinner: Impossible' with a guy named Bryan O'Reilly and I shot the pilot as a 30 minute show and we sold it.

'Dance Dance Revolution.' That's a lot of fun when you're having a dinner party and you just want to be a little silly.

Never, ever ask a former clergyman to say the blessing over a holiday dinner. Not if you like your dinner warm, anyway.

Our family dinner table was my first platform - every dinner was all about sharing stories and jokes and points of view.

We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner!

The process of writing a book is like the process of preparing a dinner. Serving dishes, choosing ingredients and so on.

When people come over to my house for dinner, I always have a vegetarian option. They can make do, or they can **** off!

Ponce de Leon, who said when he discovered the Fountain of Youth, Where the hell are the paper cups? Never got a dinner!

In the morning, I always eat fruit and yogurt with cereal. And for lunch and dinner, I always have vegetables as a side.

Practical gifts are another great way to be thoughtful, and they work for anything from birthdays to dinner-party gifts.

Clint Eastwood's sex therapist, who said to Clint, Do it any which way you can, but no sudden impact. Never got a dinner!

I don't have a huge breakfast, and I sometimes forget to have lunch, so I focus on dinner. I love Thai and Japanese food.

It is very vulgar to talk about one's business. Only people like stockbrokers do that, and then merely at dinner parties.

I love kids, but I have to be honest: I am that person at a dinner party who's a little relieved when the kids go to bed.

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