A perfect dinner for me is being with people I really want to be with. It starts and stops with my company and my family.

I'm quite old-fashioned. I like going out to dinner. You have the chance to talk to somebody and get to know them better.

Dracula, who said while they drove a wooden stake into his heart, Boy, I sure hope this is heartburn. Never got a dinner!

You'd be surprised how much easier it is to conduct business over tea than over lunch or dinner in a bustling restaurant.

To my great surprise and pleasure, I have had dinner with most of the people living with whom I would like to have dinner.

Life itself, she thought, as she went upstairs to dress for dinner, was stranger than dreams and far, far more disordered.

And even if she says no, and really means yes, then quite frankly she's playing games and isn't worth the price of dinner.

It's so important for me to unplug for a little bit, to have dinner with my husband. He's a great cook. I'm very fortunate.

I grew up in a show biz family and, if you wanted to talk at the dinner table, you'd better be prepared to talk about film.

My day, normally speaking, is: I go the gym in the morning, I go and work for 10 or 12 hours, I have dinner, I go to sleep.

Bluebeard, who said to Scottland Yard, How do I know how many wives I've killed? I'm not an accountant! Never got a dinner!

I can be super reclusive and hermetic, and then I can be in California and host dinner parties and drink wine. It's all me.

I can cook; but not well. I figure I have six years until my children discover what their friends' mothers make for dinner.

Pope John Paul II's press secretary, who said, See, if only the Pope were Italian, he woulda shot back! Never got a dinner!

The way we measure productivity is flawed. People checking their BlackBerry over dinner is not the measure of productivity.

A lunch date is more fun than a dinner date; you're not tired. It's a secret that not a lot of other parents told me about.

Thanksgiving is the day you don't know if you're invited for dinner or an intervention either way is going to be an ambush.

During the strict macrobiotic chapter of my life, I ate miso soup every day for breakfast and sometimes with dinner as well.

Christopher Columbus, who said to Queen Isabella, No, you got it wrong! The world is round. You're flat! Never got a dinner!

I'm Irish, so I'm used to odd stews. I can take it. Just throw a lot of carrots and onions in there and I'll call it dinner.

Show me the artist anywhere who's had an utterly stable mental life, and I'll buy you hot dinners for the rest of your life.

When my girlfriend cooks dinner, I'm happy to do the dishes. Because I make her wash dishes when I take her to a restaurant.

So I have the green smoothie every day for breakfast, and then sometimes even for lunch too, and then I have a normal dinner.

Joe Torre, who switched to first base because he didn't want to go through life as Chicken Catcher Torre. Never got a dinner!

When he's late for dinner, I know he's either having an affair or is lying dead in the street. I always hope it's the street.

I don't go on lunch dates with friends. I hear about people having dinner parties, but I never do that. I'm not really human.

Fame is not the worst thing. I went to dinner the other night, and the girls in the restaurant ignored me. It was so annoying.

A man who is right by your side through everything makes you happy. But he can leave your side to make dinner once in a while!

When he is late for dinner and I know he must be either having an affair or lying dead in the street, I always hope he's dead.

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, who said to his tailor Irving, Forget the slacks - please work on the blazer! Never got a dinner!

I figure it's a European thing to eat cheese and crackers before a meal - that's my afternoon snack, or I do it before dinner.

It is easy enough to be moral after a good dinner beside a snug coal fire, and with our hearts well warmed with fine old port.

I first heard about 'genes' when I was six years old. At dinner one night, I heard my mom tell my sister, 'It's in your genes.'

You know you've had too much to eat for Christmas dinner when you slump down onto a beanbag and realize... there is no beanbag.

‎You cannot correct an old person every time they say something offensive. You would never make it through Thanksgiving dinner!

I'm terrified of walking into a room full of people. Sitting down at a dinner table with 15 strangers brings me out in a sweat.

The charm of television entertainment is its ability to bridge the chasm between dinner and bedtime without mental distraction.

I usually like to throw on some flip flops and go to a really nice lunch in Venice, or Santa Monica, or stay in and cook dinner.

There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful woman in the act of cooking dinner for someone she loves.

If Shakespeare was around today I would ask him out to dinner. The only thing I don't like about him is the way he did his hair.

The focus of our family life was homework and what was for dinner; getting to ballet rehearsal and getting my brother to soccer.

I had a paper round and every night I would put the dinner on before Mum came home from work. I was capable because I had to be.

If you want something beautiful to put on the dinner table, pick up a sockeye, the salmon species with the most vivid red flesh.

You have to be generous if you want to spend your time making someone else dinner. Even if you're charging, you're still giving.

A dinner invitation, once accepted, is a sacred obligation. If you die before the dinner takes place, your executor must attend.

The best movies have one sentence that they're exploring, a thesis, something that people can argue about over dinner afterward.

In L.A., I'm always going to dinner and hanging out. In New York, it's like my life just feels crazier, and there's more options.

For my kids, I cook everything. We have dinner every night, pretty much, just the four of us: my husband and me and our two kids.

I have fame, and I'm living this life, but sometimes I forget, and I go out to dinner or walk to the movies like nothing's wrong.

Learn to do common things uncommonly well; we must always keep in mind that anything that helps fill the dinner pail is valuable.

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