I wouldn't want to direct. I see how much work it is.

Dance is the fastest, most direct route to the truth.

Absolutely. I can produce. I can write. I can direct.

I got into direct confrontation with everybody I love.

There's no substitute for direct personal interaction.

I want to direct, produce, and write, learning as I go.

I want to write and direct and kind of do my own thing.

My songs are a direct route into my brain and my heart.

I aim to direct as much as I act at some point in time.

We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.

No teaching could be more direct than just to sit down.

The best way to direct kids is to be natural and honest.

I've been writing and wanting to direct for a long time.

I think you direct a movie just to express your own self.

I like to direct the same way that I like to be directed.

The real actor has a direct line to the collective heart.

The point is not to direct someone, but to direct oneself.

I didn't direct [the Taboo episodes]. I wrote all of them.

I'd like to direct some, act in some of them, and produce.

I'm interested in direct communication about domestic life.

Always prefer the plain direct word to the long, vague one.

The greatest disorder of the mind is to let will direct it.

I kind of want to learn how to direct TV. It's interesting.

Anybody can direct, but there are only eleven good writers.

Direct access to sea is an essential part of foreign policy.

Freedom can be killed by neglect as well as by direct attack.

I'd rather direct than produce. Any day. And twice on Sunday.

Direct action is the logical, consistent method of Anarchism.

As our heart summons our strength, our wisdom must direct it.

I've personally backed off from direct political involvement.

The longer I've been a director, the less I have to 'direct.'

A song isn't a newspaper. It might feel direct, but it's not.

I'm a straightforward person. I like to be direct with people.

Everything is discursive opinion instead of direct experience.

I think every actor should direct at least once and vice versa.

Everything direct is positive, everything indirect is negative.

I'm impossible to direct. I couldn't get myself to do anything.

Cutting into color reminds me of the sculptor's direct carving.

Music stimulates within us direct experience of expanded reality

If I don't direct a movie at some point, I've failed personally.

My dream is to become a director. I want to direct a Hindi film.

If acting doesn't work out I'd love to produce, direct, or write.

Improved productivity is another direct benefit of globalization.

I want to direct a romantic comedy and want Sudeep to star in it.

As a publisher, you have no direct relationship with advertisers.

It's never hard to cast kids; it's only ever hard to direct them.

Across professions, consistency is a direct product of work ethic.

I want to be in 'Funny Girl.' And I want Ryan Murphy to direct it.

When we direct our thoughts properly, we can control our emotions.

When I direct and have to look at filmed scenes of myself, I suck.

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