I promise that as a president elected in a direct popular vote, I will try to be the voice of all citizens.

My work is not so much a direct commentary as it is an open-ended observation of the absurdities around us.

I'd reached a point where there was a direct conflict between what I was trying to be and who I really was.

For me, there is safety in playing a woman that is very sexualized and having a woman direct you with that.

I can direct breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I take pride in my kitchen, but I'm not going to direct a movie.

There's a direct relationship between how difficult it is to send a message and how strongly it is received.

No amount of charters, direct primaries, or short ballots will make a democracy out of an illiterate people.

You begin a film more with questions than with direct intentions. It's more of an exploration and discovery.

Having discussions over the years is normal, as I am someone who is very direct and always speaks the truth.

It's not good to be in a situation where people don't want to direct you or don't want to question something.

If I have one vanity wish, it would be to direct. It's the only thing I haven't done yet that I would like to.

Kubrick showed us something special. Every film was a challenge, and a direct assault on cinema's conventions.

I want to direct in Denmark. I married a writer; my best friend's a writer, so I always wanted to be a writer.

Eventually one day I want to direct, but as of right now my next cap that I'm looking for is the producer cap.

I thought I'd make a really great director because I'm an actor. Like, I thought I could really direct actors.

I've constantly done my best to get the best material I can get with the best directors I can get to direct me.

Hunger is almost like something the West does. It's almost like the direct result of the way the West performs.

During my time as England captain I have always been both helpful and direct in my communications with the ECB.

Fathering is a major job, but I need both things in my life: my job to be a director, and my kids to direct me.

It is wise to direct your anger towards problems - not people; to focus your energies on answers - not excuses.

Unless you are wealthy, you cannot afford to act or direct one play and remain unemployed the rest of the time.

When you make music, you're in really direct contact with your fans out there, so you hear all kinds of stories.

The eyes are so telling. That's how you engage with people and bond with them. I love direct, strong eye contact.

Madison Avenue makes us addicts of consumerism, using glass wampum to steal our capacity to direct our own lives.

I have a sort of long-term plan to direct. I'm pragmatic about it. I realize I don't need to rush it or force it.

I think that with podcasts, a lot of things are about fostering and having a direct connection with the community.

In 1984, I turned to theater in the hopes of finding a more direct form of communication between me and my people.

If you need help, look to clergy who do not spout their own beliefs but direct you in sincerity by using the Bible.

Women say things that are direct - they are told they are too abrasive. I got that feedback in the corporate world.

I can't fix the world. If you want to make a difference in life, you have to direct your energies in a focused way.

Fame has also this great drawback, that if we pursue it, we must direct our lives so as to please the fancy of men.

I've gotten to a point where I wouldn't direct someone else's material. It would only be something totally original.

The chief modern rival of Christianity is 'liberalism'... at every point, the two movements are in direct opposition.

I'm afraid that I'm either going to have to write myself something or direct something if I'm going to get somewhere.

My love of computers, besides being practical, is very direct and visceral. I love the way things look on the screen.

I see a direct line between Kennedy and Richard Nixon and the opening to China and the detente with the Soviet Union.

Your audience gives you everything you need. They tell you. There is no director who can direct you like an audience.

My goal was, and still is, to write first, direct my own stuff whenever possible and control my own creative destiny.

I admit that the direct model has done a lot for Dell. That's the only thing the company has ever really accomplished.

When I first moved to L.A. as a dancer, all I wanted to do was dance. I never even considered trying to act or direct.

I like to start with the first chapter, end with chapter 40. No flashbacks, nothing fancy, just a direct storytelling.

We are not merely passive pawns of historical forces; nor are we victims of the past. We can shape and direct history.

The disparity between a restaurant's price and food quality rises in direct proportion to the size of the pepper mill.

If I had to direct or produce a show, it would be about a young Black girl who is a superhero and helps save the world.

I really like acting but, just now, the more I read a script I find myself thinking I'd like to direct rather than act.

English dialogue is the best in the world. So dry and direct. The Italian language is beautiful, but it is too literary.

One of my favorite guys when I was young... I've always loved Bill Cosby. I've always wanted to direct him in something.

With my research, I really need absolute confirmation of what actually happened, direct physical connections to the past.

Through meditation and by giving full attention to one thing at a time, we can learn to direct attention where we choose.

I never direct myself, because I don't like working with me. I would punch me in the mouth if I had to take my direction.

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