I write a lot too, so I would like to write or direct in the future if I can.

I would like to remain an actress, but am very anxious to direct and produce.

Your body is the direct result of what you eat as well as what you don't eat.

Direct observation of the luminous essence of nature is for me indispensable.

To become a hero is simple but to direct a film is far more challenging work.

I want to direct, write, produce... y'know, I love the entertainment industry.

When I look back I can't believe I was so stupid as to direct Dealer's Choice.

I write and direct the Duke University Children's Hospital Benefit every year.

I'm a great believer in the direct quote in quotation marks and the hard fact.

The colonies had little occasion to feel or to resent direct royal prerogative.

I don't want to say I'm never going to direct again, but directing's hard work.

People don't truly respond to something until they see the direct consequences.

I don't really want to direct myself, but I'm certainly torn in that direction.

By the time I was 21, I knew what I wanted to do, and that was to direct films.

I despise writing in general, but yeah, I love writing the stuff that I direct.

But when I direct I become possessed, a possession I've never quite understood.

One of my problems is that I'm very honest and direct. You pay a price for that.

We need a direct repudiation of Barack Obama and everything for which he stands.

If you write, produce and direct, you own things and see them through to the end.

I want to direct what I feel is interesting - not what is supposed to be my zone.

You can act in five, six, or seven films in the time it takes to direct one film.

Direct your mind where you want it to travel instead of always going for the ride.

It's astonishing how many people who direct action don't know how to tell a story.

I think every movie changes me and is life changing, especially movies you direct.

I very rarely made any move to direct anything. I didn't have any faith in myself.

I have fun acting, and I want to do more of it, and I want to direct my own movie.

I want to direct, I want to be part of something creative, something with quality.

Listen, I'm from Belfast. We're not polite people. And it's language. We're direct.

I appreciate my role as an actor much more after I direct because it's just easier.

Usually I don't like to act in movies that I direct because it's kind of confusing.

You're a wise person if you can easily direct your attention to what ever needs it.

I'm a bit tricky, direct, confident - I believe in myself in one-on-one situations.

One must know and recognize not merely the direct but the secret power of the word.

The direct consequence is that we have to fight with each other in order to survive.

You can't really show people you can direct until you show them that you can direct.

The right thing to do never requires any subterfuge, it is always simple and direct.

I'm of the school that I will direct you if you request it - if you have a question.

My refrigerator is powerful. In fact, it has a direct link to my overall well-being.

I love telling stories. But I believe that nobody could teach you to direct a movie.

Aside from producing I want to direct but I'm also going to get back out on the road.

I was surprised to find out there was a direct line from my palm to my, my, hootchie.

Quality is a direct experience independent of and prior to intellectual abstractions.

To have that opportunity to direct under my belt was fantastic, so I'm glad I did it.

Basically I say a few prayers before a game and let that direct me, not superstitions.

Every type of purely direct concrete description bears the mark of artistic portrayal.

Every new year is the direct descendant, isn't it, of a long line of proven criminals?

When I decided to direct, never having done that before, is something I'm very proud of

When I decided to direct, never having done that before, is something I'm very proud of.

Some people say it's scarier to direct the people you work with; not me, I'm a team guy.

I never thought I wanted to direct. I love the control of it. I love to dream of scenes.

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