There's no room for being disappointed or for excuses, 'Oh, I had four match points.'

I promise to do everything I can to earn back the trust of everyone I've disappointed.

Even though you're irritated or disappointed about a game, never lose your human side.

It is seldom that the imagination is disappointed in the 'ancestral piles' of England.

The wonderful thing about Gilda Radner was that she was not a person who disappointed.

When you taste first place, if you then go and finish fourth, you will be disappointed.

I'm very disappointed by the mature-democracy countries. I was ousted by a coup d'etat.

I've never been disappointed, because I've never given somebody I liked that much power.

People of the country are totally disappointed with the administration of Narendra Modi.

How is it that a person could be so relieved and so disappointed, both at the same time.

If you give people the opportunity to do the right thing, you'll rarely be disappointed.

Fame is a silly business. People who chase it are almost always going to be disappointed.

Don't remember me as too nice or beautiful or funny, because then you'll be disappointed.

Men marry because they are tired; women, because they are curious; both are disappointed.

Never once was it said I was disappointed Peyton didn't win us more than one championship.

I was very disappointed (at the U.S. Open), and I went out there and I worked really hard.

While we are disappointed in performance in 2016, we believe we have a path to a recovery.

I guess I harboured hopes that things would happen more quickly, but I'm not disappointed.

Someone once said a cynic is just a disappointed romantic. That really, really sums me up.

I was really disappointed with the lack of respect from the UFC towards Brazilian athletes.

You're always disappointed not to start for your country, but that's the gaffer's decision.

I'm just deeply disappointed that once again we may have to settle for the lesser of two evils.

I'm not disappointed in [Barack] Obama. He said who he is; he's doing what he said he would do.

I am disappointed and disturbed by both the NFL and the Dodgers - but much more by the Dodgers.

My heroes would never let me down; they never have. I've never been disappointed by any of them.

Writing about corporate America had sapped my energy, disappointed the editors, and unnerved me.

Now my way of doing it is I always get disappointed, but there's always a level of high quality.

He looked so profoundly disappointed in me that I wondered for a moment if he was someone I knew.

I got disappointed in human nature as well and gave it up because I found it too much like my own.

Obviously, I was disappointed to lose the captaincy. I was very proud to be captain of my country.

Blessed is the man who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed was the ninth beatitude.

You can be disappointed but only if you thought [Barack Obama] was something that he said he wasn't!

I'm very disappointed in my country right now, because I think we've kind of lost our moral compass.

A lot of people don't see, when we lose and go through tough times, how upset and disappointed we are.

Like all New York hotel lady cashiers she had red hair and had been disappointed in her first husband.

Everybody has fallen down or been disappointed in love. Where you truly shine is when you get back up.

I've never been disappointed by politicians. I've never invested that much in them in the first place.

I knew I was coming home, I thought they would consider acquittal, I was disappointed that they didn't.

I learnt early to have little expectation so I protected myself from ever feeling greatly disappointed.

I hate it when there's a good movie, someone overhypes it and I'm disappointed that I don't like it more.

I know that when I'm watching a drama that I love, I'm disappointed when it's over at the end of an hour.

If you conduct yourself as though you expect to be successful and happy, you will seldom be disappointed.

I'm always a little worried when people have met me in person because I'm worried they'll be disappointed.

I don't like when people expect too much, because then I'll only be disappointed if things don't work out.

If there are but few who interest thee, why shouldst thou be disappointed if but few find thee interesting?

I want violence. I want punching in the face. I'm disappointed in Trump supporters for not punching enough.

We love to expect, and when expectation is either disappointed or gratified, we want to be again expecting.

I've always been afraid of saying no to people because I don't want them to be disappointed and dislike me.

I'm pretty disappointed in Sony Pictures' decision to pull 'The Interview' under pressure from North Korea.

I may or may not have disappointed Malaika as a boyfriend and a husband, but not as the father of her child.

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