I'm always open to discussing collaborations.

I don't like discussing cricket off the field.

I don't like discussing cricket off the field.

My wealth is not a subject I relish discussing.

Discussing economic reforms in Serbia is futile.

Discussing how old you are is the temple of boredom.

I have no intention of discussing my private life with anyone

I have no intention of discussing my private life with anyone.

I love discussing my game with people who have similar mindsets.

Race seems to me to be less and less a subject worth discussing.

One can't dull a project better than by discussing it repeatedly.

Cabbies in particular seem to like discussing the fate the Earth.

I'm very comfortable discussing my personal life, because it's so boring.

I love discussing the ins and outs of the collaborative nature of writing.

Canadians still spend so much time discussing what it means to be Canadian.

I'm happiest when I'm discussing a script and working with interesting people.

If we're discussing women's empowerment and equal rights, then yes, I support it.

I was an English major, so I love discussing possibilities and alternate theories.

Don't bother discussing sex with small children. They rarely have anything to add.

Never fear the truth. No bad can come of discussing a true subject. No bad at all.

Snowden has been very sparing about discussing his early life or his personal life.

Be who you are, do what you do and let us get on with discussing the real issues of this country.

We're finally moving out of the realm of solely discussing biology in regards to a drug-based world.

The other thing I've been discussing with friends is: when you're born do you start at a zero, or five?

It's important to learn how to have conversations with other people where it's not debating but discussing.

It seems a lot of straight men need a word coach or a lawyer when it comes to discussing 'Sex and the City.'

A good expedition doesn't need a leader at all. You are deciding day by day, discussing it in a democratic way.

Actors don't really sit around discussing the parts they've played - just in case someone says, 'That was crap!'

We keep discussing nuclear power and other issues, but we should spare a thought to the basic needs of our women.

Discussing and dissecting opposing viewpoints with others on Twitter opened up a whole new way of thinking for me.

I've never done any cross-party stuff. I've no interest in sitting down discussing pensions or whatever with Tories.

We need to be discussing issues specifically to help the American people. And that would not include illegal aliens.

Music is very abstract. When we talk about music, we're not discussing the music itself but rather how we react to it.

Contemporary moral philosophy has found an original way of being boring, which is by not discussing moral issues at all.

I believe in discussing very thoroughly what should be the goal. When discussing it, I allow others to give their views.

I find discussing mathematics with colleagues of different backgrounds one of the most productive ways of making progress.

It's not all silliness, as interactive SXSW is filled with aggressive learning, discussing, and a whole lot of futurizing.

The two most wonderful things in life are money and sex, but the minute you start discussing them, they become b-o-r-i-n-g.

I believe one's sexuality is one's own business. I really don't go around discussing it. Call me 'old school' on that topic.

'Bahubali' did not happen overnight. The producer Shobhu Yarlagadda, Prabhas, and I kept talking and discussing and imagining.

My daughter loves stories about my childhood, and we both love discussing women's issues. She's a wise and mature ten-year-old.

The border is way more porous than it should be, and I think we'd be open to discussing anything that enhances border security.

I love doing things that are titillating. I think race can be very funny, and I think I'm very comfortable discussing it and bringing it up.

I think people learn best and are more engaged when it's just normal relatable situations that illustrate the principles they're discussing.

In every writers' room I've been in, the first 15-20 minutes of the day are spent discussing water cooler moments from last night's big shows.

I am not comfortable discussing politics publicly; I am very comfortable talking about my friendships with people who happen to be in politics.

I'm a sexually liberated woman that earned that liberation. I am very proud of the fact that I feel comfortable in certain forums discussing sex.

I'm grateful for everything I have achieved in football, but now I'd rather do other things, go and watch games and enjoy discussing them afterwards.

Polite strangers often tell soothing lies about our physical appearance that prevent many of us from facing, discussing and solving our real problems.

For male and female entrepreneurs alike, having a woman investor can bring credibility when discussing product positioning and expansion opportunities.

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