I am a nerd, but I don't dive head-first into any fiefdom of nerdiness, except for maybe 'Star Trek.'

In the Premier League, they don't give a foul even when it is a foul. We can't dive or pretend things.

For me, acting is like a pool you dive into. If you're lucky, you find what you need, then get out again.

Filming a story set in a war zone in the '60s was such a treat, as it gave me so much scope to dive into.

I was training more learning how to scuba dive which I'd never done which was really, really, really cool.

We must not dive into tackles but force the opponent to run so that maybe they will crack late in the game.

'Ulysses' is like a big box of tricks that you can dive into. Each time you read it, you find something new.

I love going into a dive where they have no idea who I am or haven't heard my music and try to win them over.

I want to keep working with the best, keep going and be a better actor each time I go and dive into something.

I always say, you gotta play a dive bar like you play an arena, and you play an arena like you play a dive bar.

Music is how I unwind. I love going to see bands or DJs at a festival or a dive bar. My taste is pretty diverse.

When I was a kid, I used to be afraid of the dark. I would stand at my door, turn the light off and dive into bed.

I really want to dive in the kelp forests of Monterey Bay in California. I hear it's like floating through a forest.

Every time I dive, I feel an adrenaline rush like I did that first time. Until my body fails on me, I will keep going.

I'll dive on loose balls. I'll get the winning rebound, hit the winning shot. I'll do whatever it takes to win a game.

I love dive bars, old movie theaters, live music and good food. The simplest things in life for me are the most important.

As someone who eats, drinks, and sleeps politics, it is nice to dive into a totally different subject I am passionate about.

We gotta play hard and leave it all out there. Dive for lose balls, take charges, just do whatever it takes to win the game.

I don't really like to go out to clubs or anything. It's just not my style. I'd much rather go to a dive bar or a local place.

My art is a disciplined high dive - high soar, simultaneous & polychromous, an exaltation of the verbal-visual... my dialogue.

I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it.

Going on Letterman is like going off the high dive. It's exhilarating, but after a while it wasn't the kind of thrill I enjoyed.

After working as a charter boat captain and dive master in the Caribbean for a number of years, I decided it was time for a change.

I am an old journalist, so I always do a lot of research and dive deep into people's character, who they are, and their motivation.

When you go into projects, you can't look at it as limited; you have to dive into it wholeheartedly to be true to the writer's vision.

Every time you dive, you hope you'll see something new - some new species. Sometimes the ocean gives you a gift, sometimes it doesn't.

The transition from fan to performer to recording artist, for me, was like learning how to dive... and each board got higher and higher.

I want people to feel the times where they don't feel good. You should dive into those emotions, because that's what I do with my music.

If there's a loose ball, dive on the floor. If you can take a charge, do that. The playoffs are all about scratching. Whatever it takes.

It's tricky for me to take a dive, though. If I fall down under the slightest kick, I'm going to look stupid falling down like I've been shot.

I just learned how to scuba dive. I'd been scared to rely on one little air hose for oxygen, but swimming with all those fish is exhilarating.

I think when I dive on the court, I dive not for people. To be honest, I gonna hurt myself for people?... I dive because I want to win the point.

When I do my job, I dive into these characters and try to flush something out of myself into these characters, and hopefully that translates well.

You have to really dive deep back into yourself and get rid of so much modern analytical categorization. It's one of the great things poetry does.

As an artist, you reflect the world around you. To do that, you must dive in, take risks, fall on your face, win, and sometimes lose a great deal.

You don't need to be a performer in order to dive into the sensory experience of music. Simply get as close as you can to the source of the music.

When you decorate with neon beer lights, it's hard to create a class divide. So, the dive bar is an institution that welcomes every kind of person.

I tend to sort of dive into things without worrying about risk or anything. Like, when I get an idea, I tend to just go for it and see what happens.

When civilization takes a nose dive, how can you look away? You've got to be there. You've got to be at the bottom of the swimming pool taking notes.

You've gotta dive into the abyss if you wanna get anything good. Every record, you've gotta go down in the abyss and hope that you come out of it alive.

It's important to know the ins and outs of the music business, but you can also dive too deeply into it and forget that you're really here to make music.

I'm surrounded by the beach, so I love to fish and to dive and to swim. I walk a lot, and I bike around. I hang out at the beach, really, and muck around.

Sleep is a regenerative process where we heal and where our neurons build strong connections. It's like a fountain of youth that we dive into every night.

The beautiful thing about acting is that you can just dive into the character, strip yourself of everything, and just get in there and perfect your craft.

There was a time when poetry often made its way to vinyl; take a deep dive, for example, into the beat poets' countercultural albums of the 1950s to '80s.

If I do a bad dive, that's in the past. Move on. The next dive is a completely separate thing. It's just about being really present in a particular moment.

Personally, I like to yearn a little and long for the next episode. On the other hand, I'm also a glutton. My kids love to dive in and eat whole series at once.

I'm a big diver. I like to dive when I travel, and my last dive was in the Galapagos. I used to live in San Francisco and I would dive all the time in Monterey.

If I have a Sunday free, I'll go up the coast and spend some time on the beach. I scuba dive and swim and sail. A lot of the things I like are around the water.

It was like putting your foot into a pond and knowing that I wanted to dive into this. It wasn't even just acting. It was this medium, film. I had to explore it.

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