Diving is a leap of faith plus gravity.

I've always liked diving into new things.

I love skiing, scuba diving and hang-gliding.

We were diving in caves. It wasn't totally safe.

I'm in the water twice a week diving for lobster.

My favorite movie is 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly.'

I'm all for stage diving, but just don't step on my pedals

I love scuba diving, and I've been up and down the Amazon.

People just don't want to pay to see players diving around.

I took up scuba diving, and my next big thing is BASE jumping.

Hiking, scuba diving - I just love getting out and doing things.

I'm going to be the one guy diving on the ground for loose balls.

I jumped off a 30ft diving board for a dare once and it wasn't fun.

If I ever saw one of my team-mates diving, I'd definitely have a word

A lot of people don't understand why I'm not out diving for treasure.

Diving is cool to watch. Springboard or platform - it doesn't matter.

As a kid, I loved to play centerfield. I loved to make diving catches.

In diving to the bottom of pleasure we bring up more gravel than pearls.

Meditation is not 'going somewhere;' it's diving deep here, this moment.

Give me some scratching, diving, hungry ballplayers who come to kill you.

I'm a qualified Professional Association of Diving Instructors Divemaster.

I love diving into different skins, skins that make me feel deep emotions.

The only way you're going to get through life, happily, is being yourself.

I love diving into the unknown. That's been my M.O. ever since I was a kid.

I find it heartening that readers are still excited about diving into a world.

It's been a roller-coaster ride. But I haven't been diving this well for a while.

I admit to becoming frustrated by the frequency of diving in the Champions League.

We had a word with him about diving and since then the lad's come on leaps and bounds.

I went cage diving in South Africa with Great Whites, and that was fun. Sweden was cool.

Free-diving is all about being lean, being super-flexible, and having a good breath hold.

Diving into Internet speculation is like playing with the devil. It's tempting, of course.

When diving to attack always leave a proportion of your formation above to act as top guard.

The Gili Islands gave me some of my best scuba diving experiences, including tons of turtles.

I actually love diving at night; you see a lot of fish then that you don't see in the daytime.

I haven't gone sky diving yet and I want to do that, real bad. I love adrenaline and going fast.

When I was a child, I saw my father diving to the deepest point in the ocean with the U.S. Navy.

I think I spent my whole childhood diving out of haylofts with my BB gun and coming out shooting.

I love the ocean; growing up around Laguna Beach, I spent my summers surfing, diving, and snorkeling.

I do an awful lot of scuba diving. I love to be on the ocean, under the ocean. I live next to the ocean.

I really love diving in, head first, with directing and not having to worry about hair, makeup or lines.

We wanted to present the Headless Horseman in a new light. That's where the fun comes in, of just diving in.

…deep-diving love, a love that excavates you. It’s something you have to have before you die in order to have lived.

Dad was very adventurous. He'd go skin diving and come up with a shark under his arm. He was dashing and charismatic.

Writing books is a nice retreat. There's nothing quite like diving into a book for a few hours. That is a big time vacation.

When you freefall for 7,000 feet it doesn't feel like you're falling: it feels like you're floating, a bit like scuba diving.

A great white jumped into my cage when I was diving in South Africa. Half its body was in the cage, and it was snapping at me.

As long as there's a body of water nearby, I'm happy. Pools don't count. I like diving into the ocean and coming out refreshed.

I've done a lot of different things in my life. I've parachuted, done some deep-sea diving. Inasmuch as it's safe to do, I can do it.

I like reading, free diving and hiking. But my favorite thing to do is travel anywhere in Greece. I love everything about that place.

I didn't know how to socialize. I wasn't able to date. I felt like I was missing out on life. When I stopped diving, I started living.

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