All divisions are man-made.

I will fight in many weight divisions.

The Pope? How many divisions has he got?

Race and class are the easiest divisions. It's very stupid.

We must heal the divisions caused by intolerance and bigotry.

We need all those divisions of country music, firing on all cylinders.

The best-armed and best-trained divisions of the Syrian army are Alawite.

I am not conscious of falling under any of those ornithological divisions.

I know the divisions in our nation that led some to extreme votes. I respect them.

We dream of nation-building. We cannot achieve this by fomenting social divisions.

Nothing does more to activate Christian divisions than talk about Christian unity.

The Internet was supposed to bring people together, but it's created big divisions.

The Syrians are better suited to sort out their internal divisions than anyone else.

Politics is about divisions. Wherever you come in on the subject, there are divisions.

I think that weight divisions in wrestling is a little silly as we never adhere to them.

Modern media has a real tendency to focus on the divisions rather than the commonalities.

I want a superfight. That's my biggest wish. I want to test myself in different divisions.

Thought is creating divisions out of itself and then saying that they are there naturally.

True Americanism is opposed utterly to any political divisions resting on race and religion.

I've been in the lower divisions, I've been in the higher divisions so I have got the experience.

I will fight with all my power against the divisions that undermine us and which are tearing us apart.

We must be determined to get rid of factions within the ANC. We must get rid of divisions within the ANC.

Political divisions may be fierce, but there is at least one issue that most Americans agree on: net neutrality.

Too often, we see wedge politics and petty rhetoric used to belittle adversaries and inflame partisan divisions.

The goal is just to get better and better and expand in different weight divisions and continue to be successful.

If things don't go well, the manager is on his way because it's such a blow if you drop into the lower divisions.

At Cambridge, there was a completely unintimidating culture, and there were no class divisions among the students.

You can be vegetarian and eat fish. It's your choice, just say: 'I am what I am.' There are no hardcore divisions anymore.

To think, and to feel, constitute the two grand divisions of men of genius - the men of reasoning and the men of imagination.

As a player I had some good times but people forget I had a lot of hard times to get there; seven years in the lower divisions.

I'll fight in both divisions, 185 and 205. I feel good. That's a choice for the boss, where Dana wants me to fight. It's no problem.

I think, as people, we're isolating ourselves. We're talking to each other through our phones, arguing... those divisions freak me out.

Big banks have long had private equity divisions that put up capital for deals too complex or risky for individual shareholders to finance.

To say 'radical feminist' is only a way of indicating that I believe the sexual caste system is a root of race and class and other divisions.

Across the continent, political divisions are deepening. For all of these reasons, the specter of a euro zone collapse has not been dispatched.

You see it all the time, in all divisions, that teams raise themselves and apply themselves that little bit more when they play a 'bigger team.'

There are places where writing is acting and acting is writing. I'm not so interested in the divisions. I'm interested in the way things cross over.

My playing career that was a bit up but mostly down. I played in the Premier League at Southampton but most of my career was in the lower divisions.

Knowledge born of the finest discrimination takes us to the farthest shore. It is intuitive, omniscient, and beyond all divisions of time and space.

Congress has been productive when focusing on bites of policy that don't inflame the divisions within the party and quietly do the work of governing.

Sentiments of hate toward one another still permeate today's world, and there is still much work to be done to heal the divisions of racial prejudice.

Nearly all of the major kinds of life, divisions of life, phyla of animals, occur in the sea. Only about half of them can make it to land or freshwater.

Research suggests that large divisions of income and wealth weaken demand and generate economic imbalances that create instability and undermine growth.

I find myself hoping a total end of all the unhappy divisions of mankind by party-spirit, which at best is but the madness of many for the gain of a few.

When I retired in 1994, I was never tempted to drop down the divisions to carry on playing. In fact, I never kicked a ball again, not even in a charity match.

Terrorists continue to exploit divisions between law enforcement and the intelligence communities that limit the sharing of vital counterterrorism information.

Our country has a painful history of mistrust between police departments and people of color. The overuse of stop-and-frisk has made those divisions much worse.

Here's my take: People watch sports to get away from day-to-day stresses, work, illness, financial worries. We don't need to be reminded of political divisions.

Actors play a small part in all the things that go into the making of a movie. I want to know about pre-production, post-production, shot divisions - everything.

I had to start all the way down the divisions and that is really difficult. You might be playing well and having great performances - but nobody ever watched us.

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