I love documentary because it's alive.

Documentary is reality. It shows the truth.

For a documentary filmmaker, I do very well.

I really liked that documentary, 'Room 237.'

Even the best documentary has somebody's bias.

I would do a documentary about Jay-Z. Yes, I would.

I never wanted to do a documentary or write a book.

Objectivity is the purpose of documentary filmmakers.

A documentary photograph is not a factual photograph.

For me, every film is actually a form of documentary.

My books are based 98 percent on documentary evidence.

My lady, Deborah McNaughton is doing a documentary on me.

I was the first independent to walk in with a documentary.

'Monuments Men' is not a docudrama. It's not a documentary.

I started as a documentary maker, and they're my first love.

I could really sink my teeth into a David Bowie documentary.

We all need to be huge supporters of the theatrical documentary.

If you want to see the real Pablo Escobar, go see a documentary.

In film, I believe things should either be documentary or drama.

In a drama, the camera doesn't exist. In a documentary, it does.

'The Look of Silence' was an unforgettable, chilling documentary.

When you're watching a documentary, the danger is to romanticize.

As a documentary filmmaker, I try to be sensitive to my subjects.

No one has a green light when they start a documentary - not ever.

A bad historian is even more dangerous than dead documentary wood.

The Highlander was a documentary, and events happened in real time.

People never read my books for the quality of the documentary value.

I can do a documentary on myself, and it would be, like, 10 minutes.

I have learned that documentary makers are incredibly sneaky people.

I've always been a fan of these travel shows and documentary series.

When I look back at the way that I was in that documentary I cringe.

I want to do a documentary about strippers, 'cause it's a moneymaker.

We should not confuse having a Flip camera with making a documentary.

I've been promoting the idea of a Jimmie Rodgers documentary for years.

I could probably do a documentary on acting classes; I've taken so many.

I had my own documentary that I filmed in D.C., which is where I'm from.

The best films of any kind, narrative or documentary, provoke questions.

It's supposed to be entertainment. It's not supposed to be a documentary.

I don't think the subject of a documentary film should be producers on it.

I would love to direct a documentary film if any good subject comes my way.

To make a documentary is one thing, to make a feature film is quite another.

I wasn't interested at all in doing a documentary. I was not a public figure.

There's an amazing documentary, 'The Day After Trinity,' which is crazy good.

Documentary films are created in an inverted funnel of declining possibility.

I think independent filmmakers, documentary filmmakers - they are journalists.

The part of television I like are things that have a documentary feel to them.

I was a documentary film-maker for 26 years before I became a full time actor.

In feature films the director is God; in documentary films God is the director.

The last reunion was a bit of a rushed job, we had to do a gig and documentary.

When you make a documentary, you have to adapt to what reality imposes upon you.

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