I've been gambling since the age of 12. Horses, dogs, dice, roulette, you name it.

I've got four dogs, and I just don't do dog doo. I'm a diva when it comes to that.

For a long time I was terrified of dogs, but now I get so much pleasure from them.

I have two dogs and a parrot, so they require a lot of attention. They deserve it.

I can tell you that I'd rather be kissed by my dogs than by some people I've known.

Actually, I don't like dogs. I'm from Morocco, and people there don't like animals.

People who keep dogs are cowards who haven't got the guts to bite people themselves.

Some people wanted champagne and caviar when they should have had beer and hot dogs.

The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.

I have to clean my room and unload the dishwasher, wash the pans, and feed the dogs.

I'm looking more like my dogs every day - it must be the shaggy fringe and the ears.

The Blue Dogs are a group of conservative Democrats in the House of Representatives.

The joke around my office is that I've shaken many hands, but I've petted more dogs.

My dogs are a priority and a big responsibility... but the payoffs are well worth it.

I don't eat vegetables. I only eat food like cheeseburgers, Spam, hot dogs and pizza.

I also derive a great deal of pleasure from horses and dogs... the ocean... and love.

I am not a cat lover. I am a dog lover - but I'm only a lover of hypoallergenic dogs.

Some of you guys are going to boo, but I'm going to say it anyway. I don't like dogs.

Typically, housewives and working mums hate each other like dogs fighting for a bone.

I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.

I've been really inspired by Paris Hilton, small dogs, and a glitter, luxe lifestyle.

We definitely get respect as far as the musicianship, working hard and being road dogs.

Never chain your dogs together with sausages. One must accustom one's self to be bored.

Men are dogs. Men are dogs. We got to stop it. Men are not dogs. Uh-uh. Dogs are loyal.

For instance, it was very rare for anyone there with dogs to allow them into the house.

I could do a franchise for the end of everything. 'The End of Dogs,' 'The End of Cats.'

There are a lot of dogs that need homes, and it's not always easy to find the right fit.

I like to be at home because I just travel so much. I have four dogs, golden retrievers.

I am quite an early riser - I usually get up between 5.30 and 6am and take the dogs out.

I've got nine kids, nine dogs, three grandkids - and one in the oven. And three parrots!

Investigators have discovered that dogs can laugh, which can't be too big of a surprise.

Edible names are what drives me as a musician. My next band will be called the Hot Dogs.

I love slippers, but I have five dogs. So unfortunately, I have a lot of single slippers.

I always wanted that house where everybody wants to go, full of energy, dogs, music, fun.

Women, we might as well be dogs baying the moon as petitioners without the right to vote!

Dogs have boundless enthusiasm but no sense of shame. I should have a dog as a life coach.

I am a dog and a cat lover; doesn't matter which animal it is but dogs are cuter at times.

That they may have a little peace, even the best dogs are compelled to snarl occasionally.

I grew up with a menagerie of dogs, cats, gerbils - not to mention three younger siblings.

In someone's life, dogs can be very important which in turn changes everyone else's lives.

I know of dude-bands who've brought big, crazy dogs on tour. Everybody loves their animal.

We have German Shepherds, gifted by a friend, and the rest are street dogs we have adopted.

Few targets of ridicule are as easy to hit as owners and handlers of competitive show dogs.

I am from Brooklyn, NY, so we could not have many pets, but I always had at least two dogs.

I have a very sensitive nose. I identify with dogs. I understand the world through my nose.

I shall be glad when you have strangled the invincible respectability that dogs your steps.

You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us.

Is the chemical aftertaste the reason why people eat hot dogs, or is it some kind of bonus?

I grew up with dogs Aspins and purebreds eating, sitting and sleeping side by side with us.

Do not make the mistake of treating your dogs like humans or they will treat you like dogs.

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