Everybody's a dreamer.

Dreamers can't be tamed.

I'm a dreamer and a realist.

If you are a dreamer come in

We live as we dream - alone.

The madman is a dreamer awake

All men of action are dreamers.

Practical dreamers do not quit.

I tend to be a bit of a dreamer.

Dreams age faster than dreamers.

Don't Fall in Love with a Dreamer

I never meant to be but a dreamer.

Tomorrow is for losers and dreamers

I might dream, but I am no dreamer.

I was a great dreamer of day dreams.

Dreamers conquered the world long ago.

'Realistic dreamer' is not an oxymoron.

Be a practical dreamer backed by action.

dream is the dreamer's own psychical act.

Everything starts as somebody's daydream.

The dreamer dies, but never dies the dream

The universe conspires to help the dreamer

What happened to a dream without a dreamer?

Optimist: day-dreamer in his small clothes.

I am just a dreamer, but you are just a dream

Dreamers are not content with being mediocre.

Optimist: day dreamer more elegantly spelled.

I am not a dreamer. I am a football romantic.

Sometimes, the only realists are the dreamers

Go, then! Go to the moon-you selfish dreamer!

The true entreprenuer is a doer,not a dreamer.

Remember that life is short and death is long.

A Dreamer is a person whose life is in motion.

Man has always been half-monster, half-dreamer.

I am the maker of music, the dreamer of dreams!

The world is made by the singer for the dreamer.

You can be a dreamer, but don't live in your bed.

A real dreamer must have a mutual trust with time.

I would rather die a dreamer than live as a cynic.

I'm a thinker and feeler and dreamer and explorer.

The best thing in every noble dream is the dreamer.

gold never comes to the dreamers - except in dreams.

A dreamer lives forever, And a toiler dies in a day.

I don't think there's anything wrong being a dreamer.

No dream is ever to big. No dreamer is ever to small.

To recognize great talent, we must encourage dreamers.

Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended.

Action is what separates the do-ers from the dreamers.

Sometimes a winner is just a dreamer who never gave up.

Faith is all that dreamers need to see into the future.

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