Each one of them is Jesus in disguise.

Value your words. Each one may be the last.

Each one is different; each season is different.

Each one prays to God according to his own light.

I think each one of us has committed to improving.

Each one of us fulfills a piece of a larger puzzle.

Each one of us is an outlet to God and an inlet to God.

For each one of us stands alone in the midst of a universe.

Each one of my movies becomes easier to get off the ground.

There's no limit possible to the expansion of each one of us.

Each one of us can make a difference. Together we make change.

I bet it isn't easy to have each one of you moves overanalyzed.

I cherish everything I have because I worked hard for each one.

Life is a succession of moments, to live each one is to succeed.

There are tons of black girls modeling, and each one is special.

Fear is a phenomena that each one of us faces, in different ways.

Babies are born every day but truly, each one is a little miracle.

Supari' is about four friends, each one chasing a different dream.

There are many variables in each game that make each one different.

I made the record that my life had me make. Each one is like a diary.

I've dabbled in period films in my career, and I've enjoyed each one.

There is no public out there who needs to change. It's each one of us.

The more the data banks record about each one of us, the less we exist.

Whatever one of us blames in another, each one will find in his own heart.

Each one of us requires the spur of insecurity to force us to do our best.

I have a number of alternatives, and each one gives me something different.

Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true.

I believe that God has a specific plan and reason He created each one of us.

Cristiano and Messi are different. Each one has their own history and credit.

I admire bull riders for their passion and the uniqueness each one of them has.

I have dealt with three generations of players, each one of them was different.

I think relationships are really hard. Each one gives you lessons that you need.

To what extent has each one of us contributed to the rise in violence and hatred?

You cannot add more minutes to the day, but you can utilize each one to the fullest.

Each one of us interprets various stimuli according to our own personal sensibility.

The fireworks begin today. Each diploma is a lighted match. Each one of you is a fuse.

For every different role you play it's nice to have different challenges for each one.

Angels are like diamonds. They can't be made, you have to find them. Each one is unique.

Directing her was like directing Lassie. You need 14 takes to get each one of them right.

Few friendships would survive if each one knew what his friend says of him behind his back.

I've made six zombie films; I've tried consciously to make each one different from the next.

There are always new, grander challenges to confront, and a true winner will embrace each one.

Remember that the revolution is what is important, and each one of us, alone, is worth nothing.

The capacities by which we can gain insights into higher worlds lie dormant within each one of us.

There are a lot of great actresses out there. You learn to appreciate each one for what they offer.

I asked each one of them to make out with me and their reactions varied from excitable to horrified.

If you've got five or six cloud apps, do you want a different user ID and password for each one? No.

If each one of us does our bit, we will be helping to keep global warming from harming our countries.

I eventually became proud of my strikeouts, because each one represented another learning experience.

The same way one tells a recipe, one tells a family history. Each one of us has our past locked inside.

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