Editorial outfits are now advertising agencies.

TV news has largely given Trump editorial control.

It is an honor to join 'The Nation's esteemed editorial board.

Every film is a puzzle really, from an editorial point of view.

Editorial photography has to be energetic and visually competitive.

Social media is key to promoting the editorial posts on my website.

As for editorial content, that's the stuff you separate the ads with.

If you go to a big publishing house, editorial aside, it's completely white.

People really love editorial cartoons, and I think publishers understand that.

I became a cover girl and an editorial model, and then I became a runway model.

I'm never surprised by the insensitivity of 'The New York Times' editorial board.

When I do an editorial or when I do a campaign, I bring that lens to every space.

I like to say that a 'Times' editorial presents a strong opinion based on reality.

My mother was a big reader, and my father was an editorial writer for a newspaper.

Animated editorial cartoons are completely different from static editorial cartoons.

I don't pay any attention to what the 'Baltimore Sun' editorial page says about anything.

If I'm doing an editorial or if I'm doing a shoot, I will wear anything, and I'll do anything.

Moderate to conservative Democrat. But I'm not going to impose my views on the editorial page.

The first time I ever wrote anything, it was an editorial column for my high school newspaper.

Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we.'

I still do the standard editorial cartoon: that is my bread and butter. I absolutely love doing that.

If I can finish a cartoon in 20 minutes, then that's the ideal editorial cartoon - it's to the point.

I had to jump out of a plane! The shoot was for an editorial for a magazine; and it called for skydiving.

I'm a better editorial cartoonist by default because so many editorial cartoonists out there are so awful.

If the nineteenth century was the age of the editorial chair, ours is the century of the psychiatrist's couch.

In law school, I earned the respect of professors and served on the editorial board of 'The Yale Law Journal.'

Most people don't read editorial pages. I think I must have been 40 before I even looked at an editorial page.

First, I was a fact checker for Zagat and then I was an editorial assistant for HarperCollins publishing house.

I record it here today to establish my early predisposition to editorial work - to be both pontifical and wrong.

I can only assume that your editorial writer tripped over the First Amendment and thought it was the office cat.

I think 'Slate''s editorial staff understands the intersection of journalism and technology better than any other.

Contrary to the claims of some of my critics and some of the editorial pages, I am an ardent believer in the free market.

We need to separate marketing messages from content. We need to enforce a clear line between 'editorial' and 'advertising.'

For many years I've been using Swarovski accessories when styling editorial photo shoots and also for red carpet appearances.

I think when you're knee-deep in coming up with editorial plans, the desire to sit down and pencil something is pretty strong.

In 1999 and 2000, when I was a young editorial writer at the 'Post', the 'Post' won the public service medal two years running.

I'm a novelist. I'm not a crusader, and I'm not an editorial writer. And I'm not writing fiction to convince anybody of anything.

At the end of the day, my focus will be to make the 'Evening News' as strong from an editorial perspective as it possibly can be.

I keep reminding people that an editorial in rhyme is not a song. A good song makes you laugh, it makes you cry, it makes you think.

I have no idea what readership is of written editorials, but it doesn't come anywhere close to the readership of editorial cartoons.

I have seen journals with good financial backing and editorial support die because they looked so bad nobody wanted to publish them.

The big thing in favor of doing an editorial on the front page is that it would be a powerful signal of how concerned we are about guns.

Back in the day I was doing runway, editorial, advertising, spokesmodeling, and public appearances. Those are five different categories.

In Washington, no one believes anything unless it comes from 'The New Yorker,' 'New York Times' editorial page, or 'The Washington Post.'

Fashion advertisers are committed to print. It's still a growth business, almost as much for the advertisements as the editorial content.

I mean, if you have to wake up in the morning to be validated by the editorial page of the New York Times, you got a pretty sorry existence.

The Daily Mail can't say 'asylum-seeker' without saying 'foreign criminal' in the same sentence. I'm sure it's practically editorial policy.

When another editorial pops up denouncing millennials for some perceived generational flaw, I take it with a Miley Cyrus-sized grain of salt.

Editorial imagery licensing includes celebrity, entertainment, sports, and news images that capture what is happening in the world around us.

It was in 'Esquire' in the 1970s that I first learned Nora Ephron's recipe for borscht - certainly an editorial first for that manly magazine.

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