There can be no defence like elaborate courtesy.

Every Christmas, I cook an elaborate Mexican dinner.

The more we elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate.

Radio affords you the opportunity to pontificate and elaborate extensively.

Acting is like lying. The art of lying well. I'm paid to tell elaborate lies.

You can solve problems, but the solutions don't always have to be elaborate or expensive.

When I first started to cook, I would cook these elaborate meals, but I rarely cook at home now.

I just go out and sing my songs. I don't put on elaborate stage shows with ridiculous fancy dress.

Chess is as elaborate a waste of human intelligence as you can find outside an advertising agency.

The last thing in the world I want to do is marry. I am too selfish, but I won't elaborate on that.

We're pretty much Luddites when it comes to demos; we don't do anything too elaborate or high-tech.

We need no elaborate statistical proof that trade depends on prosperity in the industrial countries.

Once you've established where you are, you go to the character and elaborate on expressions and action.

Spoken language's elaborate rhythms and inflections convey more meaning per word than the printed word.

I don't have any elaborate uniforms; I come to the ring in a T-shirt, a pair of sneakers and some shorts.

Ulysses, obviously. It was an elaborate prank, and our supposed intellectual elite continue to fall for it.

Psychologists really aim to be scientists, white-coat stuff, with elaborate statistics, running experiments.

An idea is a point of departure and no more. As soon as you elaborate it, it becomes transformed by thought.

We routinely participate in elaborate nonverbal exchanges even when we are not consciously aware of doing so.

For KRS-One, I have a specific sound - sparse drums and bass. I try to steer away from elaborate productions.

I get a lot of people asking if my hair is a wig because it is in an elaborate style. I assure them it is all my own.

Indian weddings are elaborate. As a culture, we like to celebrate everything... Our weddings go on for sometimes a week, 10 days.

I belong to a Bohri Muslim family, and for us, food is our biggest celebration. We are used to elaborate five- to six-course meals.

It's been a great privilege to see how interwoven nations are and how incredibly complex these relationships are. It's so elaborate.

The intensity of being in front of all these incredible musicians and tremendous conductors in these elaborate halls can be overwhelming.

While working in advertising, I channelled my creative energy into elaborate escape fantasies: cake making, dog breeding, the Peace Corps.

People bang on all the time about whether what I've done is the truth or not. Well, to me, history is just a series of elaborate fictions.

I am not satisfied with the ending of 'Mount Eerie' the album, so maybe by calling myself that, I am attempting to elaborate on the ending.

I live a pretty domestic and normal life. I make my kids breakfast most mornings, but nothing too elaborate - soft-boiled eggs and oatmeal.

I started dancing in my room... I wanted to find out more about my movements. I wanted to elaborate on whatever it was that I was doing there.

Counterterrorism analysts have known for years that al Qaeda prepares for attacks with elaborate 'targeting packages' of photographs and notes.

I had always wanted to include images in a novel, and with my first book, 'Telex From Cuba,' I made an elaborate website that is basically all images.

My mom has a tape from when I was, like, 2 years old, talking with my grandma, telling her a story that's really elaborate about werewolves and wolves.

I have no secrets; all of these things have been discussed at length in guitar magazines over the years but are far too elaborate to cover in one article.

Like every Canadian, I have been taught that one of the most important functions of art is to supply and elaborate the myths and narratives of nationhood.

I never take any notes or draw charts or make elaborate diagrams, but I hold an image of the shape of a book in my head and work from that mental hologram.

Social networks are these intricate things of beauty, and they're so elaborate and so complex and so ubiquitous that one has to ask what purpose they serve.

My icons do not raise up the blessed savior in elaborate cathedrals. They are constructed concentrations celebrating barren rooms. They bring a limited light.

Gold and precious gems are, in many places, the one form of wealth a woman can use to protect and enhance herself within the elaborate structure of patriarchy.

I sent an ex of mine an enormous oil painting of me as a housewarming gift. It was one of the most elaborate and time-consuming practical jokes I've ever done.

Painting is sometimes like those recipes where you do all manner of elaborate things to a duck, and then end up putting it on one side and only using the skin.

Baboons take a bit of getting to know but, apparently, once you break the ice, so to speak, they are complex and interesting creatures with elaborate societies.

The basic parts, the start-up molecules, can be supplied in abundance and don't have to be made by some elaborate process. That immediately makes things simpler.

I'm a mother of three. I don't really have the time to put very elaborate outfits together, so I keep it casual but dress it up with shoes, a bag, and jewellery.

I just wrapped 'Eclipse' yesterday and the last scene we shot is probably my favorite thus far. I finally got to tell my story, in a very gentle yet elaborate way.

Most pieces take between two and three weeks and involve more than 40 people from the fabric cutters to the embroiders to the sewers. It's an elaborate undertaking.

I once saw an elaborate landscape in a gallery, drawn in pencil, that took my breath away. Then I realized the artist probably didn't have enough confidence to use a pen.

It was just so elaborate and so luxurious. We had every gadget imaginable. You know, I had the little gun that came out, and I had the little gun in the heel of the shoe.

It's just as well that I write in the same facile way wherever I am - no blocks or anguish, no contemplation, no elaborate revision, no need for love-tokens or nice views.

For a long time I wanted to be a comic strip artist but when I started doing them in my teens they were getting really elaborate with tons of poses and a lot of information.

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