Real elation is when you feel you could touch a star without standing ...

Real elation is when you feel you could touch a star without standing on tiptoe.

Anywhere everywhere! Anything anyhow! just dance!

You feel a sense of elation seeing yourself on a billboard.

Happiness, to some, elation; Is, to others, mere stagnation.

Happiness, to some, is elation; to others it is mere stagnation.

About my method of work: first it’s the state of mind—Elation (joy).

Misery, depression, elation all mine, refine confinement all my design.

There is a sort of elation about sunlight on the upper part of a house.

The stockmarket is a semi-psychotic creature given to extremes of elation and despair.

You follow any family around, you're going to see elation, you're going to see disharmony.

Emily was feeling the elation of conscientious hosts when they can temporarily escape a ubiquitous houseguest.

While we got hotter and thirstier as the heat beat down on us. The somebody would call in a voice full of elation

I do know that whenever a player hits the ball out of the park, I have a sense of elation. I feel as if I had done it.

To experience the unique sense of elation that you have when your child is sleeping on your chest in an incomparable emotion.

But away from the rituals of Washington, alongside the elation of [Donald] Trump supporters, there is deep anxiety, anger and fear.

She began to feel the sense of wonderful elation that always came to her when beauty took hold of her and made her forget her fears.

It is not what we learn in conversation that enriches us. It is the elation that comes of swift contact with tingling currents of thought.

There are days when simply seeing feels like happiness itself....You feel so rich, the elation seems almost excessive and you want to share it

There's a feeling of elation that comes after getting off stage and then there's a feeling of utter sadness that comes after getting off the stage.

I think the mixture of pressure and elation after winning the world title took some getting used to and that impacted on my personal life big-time.

I may be writing well, I may be writing poorly, but I enjoy the act of writing and sometimes when it turns out okay, I feel an elation that is incomparable.

When I was growing up, I'd study for days trying to get good grades. When I'd get an 'A,' I'd feel elation for about 30 seconds, and then a feeling of emptiness.

The reason you take antidepressants is to feel calm. And romantic love is not calm - it's elation, it's mood swings, and you're killing all that when you take the drug.

The period that directly follows the dissolution of a long term relationship is extremely volatile, with emotions running the gamut from misery to elation to relief to terror.

When you see the fans all in together - elation and sadness sat next to each other, kids crying and the other half of the family up there, giving it all that - that's just incredible.

It's difficult for me to be around anyone for longer than an hour. Love, death, elation, sorrow, I just don't care all that much about any of it. I am at this point, more of an observer/journalist.

With each song, I'm trying to go after that feeling of elation, of euphoria. It's not the only feeling in the world; it's just the one I thought I should try to focus on and find the most effective way of getting there.

I don't know what other singers feel when they articulate lyrics, but being an 18-karat manic-depressive and having lived a life of violent emotional contradictions, I have an overacute capacity for sadness as well as elation.

I look and there's our boy from Vietnam and our daughter from Ethiopia, and our girl was born in Namibia, and our son is from Cambodia, and they're brothers and sisters, man. They're brothers and sisters and it's a sight for elation.

I was 14 and madly in love for the first time. He was 21. He made me suddenly, unaccustomedly beautiful with his kisses and mix tapes. During the year of elation and longing, he never mentioned that he had a girlfriend who lived across the street.

Rather than writing about international events, I write about individual lives. There is elation and sadness, death and birth, love and jealousy, co-operation and betrayal. All the great emotional transactions that happen wherever people come together.

When you're in love you never really know whether your elation comes from the qualities of the one you love, or if it attributes them to her; whether the light which surrounds her like a halo comes from you, from her, or from the meeting of your sparks.

That's what's great about the horror genre is that you're getting a load of people together in the cinema at the same place and the same time, having them all experience extreme fear and come out alive at the end. It's an uplifting experience, and there's a sense of elation.

In '08, Barrack Obama was famously elected president. Even though I'd supported McCain and dreaded what I feared Barrack might do, I felt a surge of elation when the networks announced he'd won. I really hadn't thought the U.S. would go for an African-American for a decade or so.

The thing that strikes you most about being a soldier in a war zone and in action to the small extent that I was, when actually people start shooting, which happened to me a couple of times, everything goes on automatic and there's a feeling of tremendous elevation and even elation.

The anticipation and dread he felt at seeing her was also a kind of sensual pleasure, and surrounding it, like an embrace, was a general elation--it might hurt, it was horribly inconvenient, no good might come of it, but he had found out for himself what it was to be in love, and it thrilled him.

The mere existence of 'Buffy' proves the declinists wrong about one thing: Hollywood commercialism can produce great art. Complex and evolving characters. Playful language. Joy and sorrow, pathos and elation. Episodes that dare to be different - to tell stories in silence or in song. Big themes and terrible choices.

I'm appreciative of things going wrong. At first it sounds crazy, but how boring would life be if you just coasted along without any challenges? Without learning about who you really are through the process of going through the darker times? Without feeling the sense of elation when you reach even a small stepping stone?

My high school career was undistinguished except for math and science. However, having barely been admitted to Rice University, I found that I enjoyed the courses and the elation of success and graduated with honors in physics. I did a senior thesis with C.F. Squire, building a regulator for a magnet for use in low-temperature physics.

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