Elections have consequences.

Elections are about choices.

I am totally pro-non-partisan elections.

Political elections are not life and death.

I don't want to interfere in U.S. elections.

Voter confidence depends on the clean elections.

Where annual elections end where slavery begins.

I cannot have any apprehensions during elections.

Clearly, dirty election rolls can mean dirty elections.

Voter fraud especially matters when elections are close.

I am constitutionally competent to contest the elections.

Elections aren't just about who votes but who doesn't vote.

You can't ultimately dodge defeat by winning close elections.

Our message to the Russians is stay out of the U.S. elections.

What's the point of elections if everything is already decided?

Elections aren't about records, they're about plans and choices.

Idealism loses to pragmatism when it comes to winning elections.

If you present good government, then elections look after themselves.

Every time I have fought elections, I have improved my victory margins.

The BJP's decisions are never based on victory and defeat in elections.

Organising free and fair elections is more important than the result itself.

The very foundation of our democracy depends on the integrity of our elections.

After one party loses two elections in a row, there's sort of blood in the water.

People in Scotland want the parliament but don't give a toss about the elections.

Maintain democracy or go to dictatorship: that is what is at stake in these elections.

The voters of Hawaii have said loud and clear that it's not money that wins elections.

Our plan is absolutely clear. It's organization of new elections, fair and transparent.

The Russians have a long history of interfering in elections - theirs and other people's.

Somehow politicians have become convinced that negative campaigning pays off in elections.

South Australia was the first community to give the secret ballot for political elections.

Because Republicans have no ideas, they want to turn elections into the battle of dollars.

It's not opinion polls that determine the outcome of elections, it's votes in ballot boxes.

Democrats tend to think of elections as cycles. Republicans don't: It's ongoing and constant.

No part of the education of a politician is more indispensable than the fighting of elections.

Elections matter, but how much they matter depends entirely on how free, open and fair they are.

Elections remind us not only of the rights but the responsibilities of citizenship in a democracy.

As long as there have been elections, there have been attempts to keep eligible people from voting.

Centrist voters typically decide general elections, so hard-left or hard-right platforms don't help.

Do you ever get the feeling that the only reason we have elections is to find out if the polls were right?

The regime is afraid of the people because it knows that free and fair elections will bring about its end.

Winston Churchill never said that people had let him down when he lost the elections after the World War II.

The interference of a foreign country in our elections is an assault on the government of the United States.

Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody.

We were, in a way, out-marketed because we couldn't really compete with the BJP that went into elections under Mr Modi.

The Democrats do fine in presidential elections; their problem is they can't get out the vote in the midterm elections.

Wars and elections are both too big and too small to matter in the long run. The daily work - that goes on, it adds up.

America's elections are the foundation of our democracy - so protecting them is a priority for the FBI and our partners.

In America, unlike England, unlike Israel, unlike Japan, other democracies, we have elections that have staggered terms.

Here in Maine, we know that the system of special interests influencing elections runs contrary to our democratic values.

The Clinton strength was to play to people without a college education. High school people. That's how you win elections.

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