Electronic books are junk.

We distrust the electronic vote here.

I saw myself as an electronic joy rider.

I'm a big fan of electronic dance music.

I've been a fan of electronic music for a while.

I love electronic music, and I love drum and bass.

I would like to play with electronic keyboards again.

House music is the root of all electronic dance music.

I've been a fan of electronic music since the beginning.

There haven't been many credible electronic covers records.

I produce electronic kind of music, like EDM kind of stuff.

I like all kinds of music - classical, pop, rock, electronic.

I get most of my news updates from electronic and social media.

Electronic music was this super cool thing to me my whole life.

There is nothing wrong in electronic music or synthesised music.

Before I got into electronic games, I was making table-top games.

Privacy is one of the biggest problems in this new electronic age.

For me, electronic music is the classical music of the 21st century.

I had been building electronic musical instruments since I was a kid.

Maybe one day there will finally be an education for electronic music.

I priced my books at what I would want to spend on an electronic book.

Kids are plugged into some sort of electronic medium 44 hours per week.

I want to make music that is completely electronic but doesn't feel it.

When my daughter was young, she thought all electronic signs were mine.

I've been making some more electronic music, which I really enjoy doing.

I'm fascinated with the electronic devices that we can mess around with.

I'm basically a music nerd, especially when it comes to electronic music.

Ambient Devices develops a new generation of consumer electronic products.

You can create some soul out of something that's electronic or mechanical.

I never like something too live or too electronic. I'll take a bit of both.

I love a lot of different styles, but my heart belongs in electronic music.

I read actual physical books and have thus far avoided the electronic lure.

I don't appreciate avant-garde, electronic music. It makes me feel quite ill.

I've always had a deep passion for a lot of early electronic and sampled music.

I am also a drummer of sorts. I've got an electronic set sitting in my bedroom.

Electronic devices dislike me. There is never a day when something isn't ailing.

'Oxygene' was one of the first, if not the first, popular electronic music album.

I've always loved pop music. I've always loved indie, even electronic, even trap.

'Blackheart' is purely falling into the electronic world and pushing the envelope.

The goal was always to do something that felt human but was 100 percent electronic.

Rave music sounds like an electronic disco version of '30s Universal monster movies.

I've been really excited about some new cutting edge electronic music and technology.

I think I was first to do live performances on a modern electronic sound synthesizer.

A lot of electronic music out there feels cold. I want to incorporate a human element.

While my mother wanted me to be a musician, I wanted to become an electronic engineer.

The new electronic independence re-creates the world in the image of a global village.

The human brain must continue to frame the problems for the electronic machine to solve.

I feel just as passionately about experimental electronic music as I do about folk music.

We are in an electronic technology age now and it's about time we put away the old stuff.

When I started to put my eye on electronic transportation is when I fell in love with it.

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