The Emmys are flat-out fun.

I honestly never really watch the Emmys.

Ultimately the Emmys are a popularity contest.

I'm most excited to meet Jon Hamm at the Emmys.

What am I going to wear to the Emmys? Something with a tie.

The Emmys are in good hands with Andy Samberg. Disgusting, dirty hands.

Listen, I would love to win an Emmy at some stage or another. I can't pretend not to.

Emmys are gorgeous and fun, but with or without them, there is beautiful work out there.

I've been nominated for 12 Emmys, and we won - for 'Top Chef' - the only time I didn't go.

You have to have a sense of humor about all of it - the Emmys and politics and everything.

Well I was out in the garden moving rocks on the day of the Emmys. I was just playing in the dirt.

The first time I went to the Emmys was amazing. I had someone make me a dress - like, made for me.

I've been nominated for Emmys and Golden Globes, but I've never won one and I probably never will.

I want to win Nobel Peace Prizes, as many Grammys as I can, Emmys, Golden Globes, VMAs, everything.

I mean, the competition is really created by the buzz around the Emmys. It's a totally subjective thing.

So many people have won Emmys, so many people have won multiple Emmys that I think it's a degraded award.

I was at the Emmys, and someone told me that I'd gotten more applause than Brad Pitt. I said, 'Who's he?'

Smash together the Grammys, Oscars, Emmys, and Tonys, and you get the Green Room at the Kennedy Center Honors.

The Emmys is great, but the Golden Globes, you have the stars of television and the stars of movies in one place.

I was never upset that I did not get an Emmy. That I did get an Emmy nomination, I couldn't be happier and prouder.

I'm not into the Oscar and Emmys as much as I used to be because I'm tired of looking at people who don't look like me.

I've won several Emmys, a Tony and a Grammy, so maybe somebody will let me have an Oscar, and then I'll have a full set.

The Emmys seem like an entity unto themselves that have an agenda that sometimes corresponds to quality, sometimes doesn't.

It's ridiculous that we let broadcast and cable shows compete against each other at the Emmys. They are not the same animal.

Tinseltown is eerily silent when The Oscars, The Emmys and The Grammys, The Sag Awards, and The Golden Globes aren't in full swing.

America Held Hostage won 24 Emmys for ABC News, but someone forgot to include my name on the list of people responsible for the show.

For the Emmys, my friend Rooney Mara designed a dress for me with her brand, Hiraeth. It's so neat to see a sketch turn into a full-on look.

When I die, it's going to read, 'Game Show Fixture Passes Away.' Nothing about the theater, or Tony Awards, or Emmys. But it doesn't bother me.

I see my real job now as - never mind 'The Office,' 'Extras,' film career, Emmys - I want everyone in the world to know who Karl Pilkington is.

When you feel an audience engaged and surprised and enthusiastic, reacting to what you've planned, that is the reward. It's better than the Emmys.

I didn't know I was cool, but I was very flattered that some of the younger comedy writers came up to talk to me at the Emmys. I found that gratifying.

When I walked up on stage at the Emmys, and when people stood up, it was a really sort of emotional, overwhelming moment. It was like I had been accepted.

I don't know that I would host the Golden Globes or the Emmys because I don't think they have the appreciation for irreverence that the Critics Choice does.

Two days later I got a call that they wanted to try out the character for seven episodes. Eleven years and 22 Emmys later, Cliff was still sitting at that bar.

From casting to hiring to awards races like the Emmys, taking active steps toward inclusion will make for richer stories, a stronger democracy, and a better world.

I can't think of anything in my profession that would mean as much. You can talk about Emmys or Super Bowls. Fifty Masters Tournaments, that would be the ultimate.

The craft Emmys are kind of the kids' table at Thanksgiving. You're not really invited to the big dance. It's still really, really exciting, and the statue still counts.

At the Emmys, you've got a bunch of people who are used to being on TV on TV. You don't have that at the Oscars. At the Oscars, you have people who are used to having 40 takes.

I don't get used to it. When something splashy comes around like the Emmys or the Baftas I'm still bowled over that a gal from Reno, Nevada, is on the arm of a gent like Patrick Stewart.

I've watched the Emmys for almost my whole life, so it was crazy to finally be there in the audience clapping and actually going on stage. Hopefully one day I'll get to be actually nominated.

The first Emmys I went to was in 1990 when the five nominees for best comedy were 'Designing Women,' 'Golden Girls,' 'Murphy Brown,' 'Cheers,' 'Wonder Years.' Three and a half were created by women.

I don't know what's going on that I'm hosting the Emmys during really hard times. But I guess it's an honor and a privilege that I'm the one who gets to try to walk that line of making people feel good.

Generally with the Oscars or the Emmys there isn't much you can do until the nominations are announced. Then you know what kind of year you're dealing with - what's been overlooked, what the issues are.

Emmys are wonderful and I'm thrilled to death that I have mine. But they're representative of a specific achievement, where this sort of thing is representative of how you've grown in your own industry.

The awards world can be ridiculous, but I'm not one to bash it. I love awards! When I've been nominated for Emmys and when I won my DGA Award, I couldn't have been happier. I always liked getting a gold star in class.

Jimmy Kimmel has proven to be a preeminent voice in comedy, with 15 seasons of 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' under his belt and successfully tackling the herculean task of hosting both the Emmys and the Oscars in the same season.

I think the most important thing about the Emmys stuff is just to enjoy it. It can get really stressful in weird ways, and I have definitely experienced that. This year, I really just want to have it be a fun celebration!

Truly what the Emmys are about are the machine behind them, and Oscars are the same way, where if you have a big enough machine behind you, you get nominated, because truly how many of the best performances actually win... not many.

'Homeland' was a sensation out of the gate in 2011, gathering acclaim and sweeping up Emmys, and the reason such shows are so overrated is because, unlike with other forms of popular art, success in TV is measured almost purely by how obsessive we become.

Do I believe it's possible that some young person, young voting actor, or even older voting member for the Emmys, would sit there and go, 'Yeah, that's a great performance, but oooooh, I just hate everything he stands for?' I don't believe that's possible.

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