Empire breeds terrorism.

My mind to me an empire is.

Every empire eventually falls.

An empire is an immense egotism.

I have my fashion empire to build.

All great empires die from within.

The empire of custom is most mighty.

Today's empire is tomorrow's ashes...

Truth is treason in the empire of lies.

It is neither holy, Roman or an empire.

Powerful indeed is the empire of habit.

In summer the empire of insects spreads.

The American empire should be destroyed.

The Empire is a Commonwealth of nations.

Ideas have unhinged the gates of empires.

All empires are created of blood and fire.

All empire is no more than power in trust.

I recognize no empire of this present age.

Westward the star of empire takes its way.

I am the Empire at the end of the decadence.

Great empires are not maintained by timidity.

Kings fight for empires, madmen for applause.

Can one move an empire as if it were a house?

All empires become arrogant. It is their nature.

Fate of empires depends on the education of youth

A single word has sometimes lost or won an empire.

Would you have a great empire? Rule over yourself.

All empires fall eventually. It is the way of things.

I see a New York that is once again the empire state.

Empires and churches are born under the sun of death.

The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.

Man who man would be, must rule the empire of himself.

Empires implode from within due to their own excesses.

The sun never sets on the immense empire of Charles V.

An empire founded by war has to maintain itself by war.

The mighty Rain Holds the vast empire of the sky alone.

The American empire is hovering between life and death.

Betrayal isn't ridiculous. It's the reason empires fall.

My mind to me an empire is,While grace affordeth health.

I've never met an American who wanted to build an empire.

In 2015, Vladimir Putin may witness his empire's death knell

Let's save the human race, let's finish off the U.S. empire.

It's time for the people of the Empire State to strike back.

Old empires always appeal to modern poets more than new ones.

Empires dissolve and peoples disappear, song passes not away.

Build your empire on the firm foundation of the fundamentals.

Great Britain has lost an Empire and has not yet found a role.

An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of Democracy

As yourselves your empires fall, and every kingdom hath a grave.

The Holy Roman Empire is neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire.

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