I think shows being sent out this way - pressing a button and 10 episodes can go out to the U.S.A., and the U.K. and Germany, it's very cool.

Working at Palace was one of the happiest episodes of my football career, even though the ending was one of the most upsetting and traumatic.

I was very moved by shows that combined things that were funny and sad. I remember liking 'Simpsons' episodes in which emotions were central.

I'm a huge 'Breaking Bad' fan; I would be really annoyed if anyone told me anything about what was going to happen in the last eight episodes.

'Spooks' was unique. It took up such a lot of your life - I think we did 10 episodes for the first few seasons. That's six months of your life.

I'll always love movies. But there's something I love very much about TV, when you shoot episodes while other episodes are still being written.

When we're on Twitter, we're not only live tweeting episodes and talking about behind-the-scenes stuff, we actively try to respond to everybody.

I was fortunate to work on a few episodes of 'Barry' right before we shot 'Atlanta.' That was where I got my training wheels for action coverage.

One of the things you have to be acutely aware of when shooting episodes out of order is your character's relationship with the other characters.

I would never watch 'Lost' on TV; I'd just wait until I could get at least five or six episodes in a row. Saved myself a lot of anxiety that way.

I entered into Dawson's Creek to do a couple of episodes. They weren't sure about my role in the beginning, but then the chemistry kind of worked.

We did a reunion when TV One first launched episodes of 'Living Single'. Every time any of the gang comes through Atlanta, though, we always visit.

In ten episodes, we were able to do our writers' room first. We did that all summer and wrote for 15 weeks and got everything in really good shape.

Funny enough, the first time I watched 'Arrow' was because Audrey Marie Anderson, who plays Lyla, was in my episodes of 'The Walking Dead' with me.

Watching the dailies and then watching the... episodes, it really hits you: 'Damn, I did that?' I must have been crazy to get into those situations.

Each side tries to legitimize their aims by appealing to history, sometimes selectively choosing episodes and other times just by inventing history.

My dad doesn't watch 'Coronation Street.' But my mum is a massive fan. I'd like to think my dad will watch it for a few token episodes, as I'm in it.

I had a great start in television; the first thing I did was an episode of Performance called The Entertainer with Michael Gambon playing Archie Rice.

I don't have any favorite episodes from 'Joanie Loves Chachi.' I liked working with the people. But I didn't even want to do it. I was talked into it.

I did not have a very in-depth knowledge of 'Star Trek'. I'd seen a couple of the vintage episodes. I knew just about as much as anyone on the street.

I've always had this dream that if people could pay me to watch and review old episodes of 'The Golden Girls,' that would be something really special.

Except for a few episodes, I have not watched any of my shows. I don't think I like to watch myself on TV. I get very critical about what I am saying.

The gods have chosen to entertain me with chronic eyestrain headaches. Very poisonous episodes. So I don't do a lot of reading anymore except on tape.

Like any show, I think some episodes are going to be stronger than others, but I think it's a good show that people enjoy and I hear the reactions too.

While I filmed the 'Walker, Texas Ranger' series for eight and a half years, I had never had much time to read, except for screenplays of the episodes.

You have 22 episodes to start from zero to hero; you can really take a nice, big, long arc. In a film, it's tough to do that - you only have 90 minutes.

What makes me happy is just curling up in with my mom in her bed and watching a marathon of 'CSI' and 'Grey's Anatomy' episodes with pints of ice cream.

Book 4 is the end of the 'Korra' series. So we've got 52 episodes planned. When all is said and done it will have taken I think about five years to make.

When I was a staff writer on 'NYPD Blue,' it was truly my job to hear David Milch's voice for that show and to deliver episodes that embodied that voice.

I've only done four or five episodes of 'Two and a Half Men,' and its amazing how many people recognize me for that more than anything else in my career.

It's really the rare creator who can tell you where he's going to end the season of 22 episodes. That's not bad. That's part of the creative exploration.

We've heard from many teachers that they used episodes of Star Trek and concepts of Star Trek in their science classrooms in order to engage the students.

Even though the third season of Necessary Roughness was only ten episodes, they were an extremely intense bunch of episodes, especially toward the finale.

Some of our best episodes of 'Buffy' were written over a weekend. You can really get in touch with your creative spirit when you're at your most desperate.

We got really close, but it was just too complicated and secretive to shoot at the Met Ball. That would have been the brass ring of 'Gossip Girl' episodes.

Well, I guess most people would only know me from The O.C. I did a few episodes of Gilmore Girls before that. I was also a client on a lot of lawyer shows.

I wanted to prove that I could play something else, but there were 249 episodes out there of 'Mayberry,' and it was aired every day. It was hard to escape.

All the weird inconveniences of adult life that you thought they made up to lend excitement and color to episodes of 'Sex and the City' are, in fact, real.

Even though the third season of 'Necessary Roughness' was only ten episodes, they were an extremely intense bunch of episodes, especially toward the finale.

In some subsequent episodes, certain individuals have certain knowledge of certain events that they wouldn't have, if they didn't have access to the future.

In many senses, 'Borgen' was a very democratic show. I was always invited to hear the writers' thoughts for the next episodes and allowed to comment on them.

When I auditioned for the show, I didn't realize it was an MTV production, which is going to make for really good tunes during the episodes, if nothing else.

Love is the history of a woman's life; it is an episode in man's. [Fr., L'amour est l'histoire de la vie des femmes; c'est un episode dans celle des hommes.]

It feels as though, with all of these cable series or Internet shows or limited series events that are only 10 or 13 episodes... the quality is really rising.

The concept of doing holiday episodes is a huge part of what's fantastic about doing TV. And viewers agree; you see the numbers going up for holiday episodes.

We do 32 episodes a season and will have shot 267 episodes by the end of the ninth season... It's impossible to sell that many episodes in the foreign market.

Two days later I got a call that they wanted to try out the character for seven episodes. Eleven years and 22 Emmys later, Cliff was still sitting at that bar.

Yeah, I'd done a bunch of pilots. Some that had gone for a while. One that went for 13 episodes. But I had never been on a show that had lasted more than that.

Stage work, that's all I have in my background. Wasteland was my first TV experience. Dawson's was my first long-term, I mean the entire season of 22 episodes.

I've always had a show that went seven episodes or 13 episodes or whatever. And I've never had a show that's gone past a first season. It really is a lot of work.

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