You can't erase history.

I'm permanent you can't erase me

With pencil, you can always erase.

I don't think you can erase history.

I always write in pencil, so I can erase.

My eyes were made to erase all that is ugly.

Time erases both the best and the worst of us.

You can't erase a dream, you can only wake me up.

Old cartoonists never retire, they just erase away.

Leave a mark they can't erase, neither space nor time.

The idea that you can somehow erase the Internet is silly.

We cannot erase the past, but we can accept it as history.

My face carries all of my memories. Why would I erase them?

You can't erase what you know. You can't forget who you are.

Once you read something, you can't erase it from your brain.

Don't expect anything. Erase all life expectancies. Just live.

Obama means to erase the Second Amendment by any means possible.

I like pens. My writing is so amazing there's never a need to erase

You have to start somewhere. You can always erase reality later on.

I like pens. My writing is so amazing there's never a need to erase.

We cannot erase what has happened, but we are building a new future.

I made history and nothing can besmirch that. Nothing can erase that.

The more you try to erase me The more, the more The more that I appear

He who knows how to shave the razor, will know how to erase the eraser.

When I did 'Hand Cannot Erase,' I didn't have a specific singer in mind.

You can hide memories, but you can’t erase the history that produced them.

It was a hard time. It was something I would love to erase from my memory.

Do not erase the designs the child makes in the soft wax of his inner life.

The margins don't get erased by simply insisting that the powers-that-be erase them.

Sometimes you really make bad mistakes, and you want to go back and just erase them.

I have to erase my Google search histories, because they always lead to an obituary.

The easiest way to subjugate a people is to erase a culture. I've seen it in war zones.

One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present.

It takes a good amount of time and money to establish a home. Eviction can erase all that.

External things are not the problem. It's your assessment of them. Which you can erase right now.

This kind of forgetting does not erase memory, it lays the emotion surrounding the memory to rest.

One can't erase the tremendous burden of apartheid in 10 years, 20 years, I believe, even 30 years.

When I was in school, I was too short to erase the blackboard. It was my job to put away the chairs.

I used music and reading to erase my world, so basically I read for up to 16 hours a day for 23 years.

I think it's a disgrace that we're allowing extreme voices in this country to erase our proud heritage.

Toward his critics, the artist harbors a defensive ace: knowledge that the future will erase the present.

Obama cannot erase the Second Amendment without crippling or controlling exercise of the First Amendment.

I think it's a disgrace that some would allow extreme voices in this country to erase our proud heritage.

With the Internet, if you erase something it just means you have to spend another half-minute to find it.

Gene editing will be used to alter DNA to erase the origins of a range of debilitating inherited disorders.

I think I've had the fantasy of a ray-gun that could erase the world from the time I was a very little kid.

Cannot admit that darkness exists because humanity itself exists, and that to erase one, you erase the other.

Please don't erase my race because I'm white-passing. There is literally nothing I can do about my complexion.

My approach to every game was to try to erase the games that were before and try to focus on the game at hand.

When you take a picture of someone, never show it to them right away. If they don't like it, they may erase it.

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