We have to give ourselves a constitution which marks the birth of Europe as a political entity.

My next record I really just want it to be a collection of great songs, classic songs in a way.

Who says I'm gonna marry another guy? In Europe it's not like in America, where you set a date.

The message from the United States and Europe is that governments must live within their means.

The choice is not normally between the north and south. It might be between Britain and Europe.

It's easy to forget how central the French people are in everything we mean when we say Europe.

Turning away Turkey from the EU would be a great, long-term - a century-long - error by Europe.

If we compare Europe with other continents, it is marked out as [another] persecuting continent.

It is easier for women to succeed in business, the arts, and politics in America than in Europe.

I don't know whether Europe will accept us, but Africa has already put us on their waiting list.

The Saudis would struggle in Europe because of that problem with those prayers five times a day.

In the sixties and seventies you could probably name all the great comics. It was still special.

This will provide an engine, an example that will allow Europe to go faster, further and better.

Next year I'm going to be a guesting soloist with orchestras all over Europe, to start off with.

Acknowledge that a more closely integrated Europe is no longer an unqualified American interest.

There can be no perfect Europe in which Ireland is denied even the least of its national rights.

I want to tell stories about Europe - I feel profoundly European, I don't feel like an American.

I don't like to generalize but I've had nothing but bad experiences with Mexican food in Europe.

I know that many in Europe are unhappy with their governments' policies toward the Palestinians.

If you're a big Hollywood star, you make one movie a year at the most. I can make five in Europe.

Lady, can you speak up a little bit? Indianapolis is a little far from Europe - I can't hear you.

I believe that the majority of people in Europe want to demonstrate solidarity with the refugees.

Our task is nothing less than the creation of a new constitutional order for a new united Europe.

In recent years, we`ve made historic investments in NATO, increased America`s presence in Europe.

When I am in New York, I want to be in Europe, and when I am in Europe, I want to be in New York.

Europe has to avoid old prejudices and new ones. That means north versus south, rich versus poor.

I toured in Europe first, before I did any touring in the U.S. It was with Jimmy Nail and others.

I remember a tour where we played 50 cities in 56 days. We also went to Europe a couple of times.

I notice that teams are now more interested in Japanese players than when I first went to Europe.

In Europe, they like everything you do. The mistakes and everything. That's a little bit too much.

Peace and solidarity in Europe is not a law of nature. It requires caring, effort and perseverance

The Kyoto treaty has failed, and it's failed even in Europe, which has had cap and tax since 2005.

I've won all the prizes in Europe, every bloody one. I'm delighted to win them all, the whole lot.

In Europe they understand that the arts are incredibly important both culturally and economically.

We had several hits in the States but probably only one big one in Europe. The crowds are smaller.

Whatever the details of union may be, there's no doubt we need more policy coordination in Europe.

The true America is the Middle West, and Columbus discovered nothing at all except another Europe.

There's a myth that Roosevelt gave Stalin Eastern Europe. I was with Roosevelt every day at Yalta.

It will not be any European statesman who will unite Europe: Europe will be united by the Chinese.

Therefore one should speak at the same time of national citizenship and wider European citizenship.

In Africa, the woman was co-equal. In Europe, the woman was a vassal. To some extent, she still is.

All things start in California and spread to New Jersey, then to London and then throughout Europe.

Reconciliation takes time. Sometimes many decades, as the example of Europe shows. It is hard work.

It is in order that France may find her place in the new Europe that you will respond to my appeal.

In Europe, being an artist is a form of behavior. In America, it's an excuse for a form of behavior.

For years, European leaders have pointed out that Europe is an economic giant, but a military pygmy.

I see Turkey's future as being in Europe, as one of many prosperous, tolerant, democratic countries.

The United States is contributing massively to the defence of Europe and we should be very grateful.

The fortress of Europe with its frontiers must be held and will be held too, as long as is necessary.

I think Europe is well advised to form a unified economic force to be on par with the U.S. and China.

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