With an ocean between you and your European friends, you have to keep them in your heart.

The lamps are going out all over Europe; we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.

The extraordinary summer heatwave of 2003 in Europe resulted in over 35,000 extra deaths.

Living in Europe, I was surprised to find out just how little everyone knows about Japan.

If you're not in Germany, you're not in Europe. And if you're not in Asia, you're nowhere.

In the event that we don't want to lose the Far East and Siberia, we need a united Europe.

Well, in 1947... in Europe and in Italy especially, we thought of America as all-powerful.

To be in Florence is to reflect on Europe's intricate diversity - and its lost creativity.

Europe is not a bright spot; it's all tangled up in its knickers with all that regulation.

The European model is in danger if we obliterate the principle of personal responsibility.

As Tony Blair has made clear, our fundamental challenge is how to make Europe work better.

Europe lacks leadership and a sense of mission and too many people don't feel a part of it.

In the Premier League, there are all the most important coaches in Europe, maybe the world.

But Italy can only have any real influence on world affairs if it carries weight in Europe.

Internal protectionism in Europe would be deadly, really a disaster for European economies.

British chancellor is telling the rest of Europe it must abandon democracy. It's appalling.

Icelandic peoples were the ones who memorized sagas... We were the first rappers of Europe.

There is a clear link between illegal migrants coming to Europe and the spread of terrorism.

It's important to recognize that we in Europe will either succeed together or fail together.

In the United States, politics is a profession, whereas in Europe it is a right and a duty .

Europe has to secure its borders and support those in the neighborhood who share our values.

Baldwin thought Europe was a bore, and Chamberlain thought it was only a greater Birmingham.

We can prevent Europe from becoming a spiritless machine that, in the end, grinds to a halt.

If Britain must choose between Europe and the open sea, she must always choose the open sea.

It's my damn duty and obligation to do everything possible for Europe to find a united path.

The whole notion of land property rights in the Arab world is different from that in Europe.

I went to Europe with Spencer Tracy. What a thrill, working with John Ford when I was a kid.

Kosovo today is closer to Europe than other countries in the region of South Eastern Europe.

There's evidence that one of the Paris attackers may have entered Europe posing as a refugee.

Design schools are good, I guess, sometimes I visit schools, but they are very very limiting.

Being in Europe had helped me unlearn some of what I'd been taught or unconsciously believed.

Europe is not managing its capitalism very well, it is not a good advertisement of capitalism

You look what's happening all over Europe - Europe is being absolutely swamped and destroyed.

I doubt that America will come to Europe again. You'll be on your own against militant Islam.

It seems the public in Europe has not yet learnt that most girls in India today go to school.

I know they are going to be doing a box set in Europe of Danzig 5 and 6 and some other stuff.

Jazz is a music of great achievements but speed and chops serve a different function in jazz.

You know some people say that you make watches or perfume bottles, it's all different things.

I look forward to the day when the Westminster Parliament is just a council chamber in Europe

I am a partisan and artisan of Europe. But I draw the lessons of my experience in government.

We have two hundred languages in Europe. Two hundred languages! Count them! I know you won't!

U.S. companies rely on the European market for more than half of their global foreign profits.

A Socialist United States of Europe seems to me the only worth-while political objective today

America and Europe are so different in the way they conceive of themselves and art and cinema.

By now it is evident that the Soviet Union must gain control of Europe to maintain its empire.

Every step which the intelligence of Europe has taken has been in spite of the clerical party.

In its haste to bolster nationalism, in its obsession with security, Europe is losing its soul.

I don't like American girls. They're very conceited, you know. In Europe they're more pleasant.

I can only paint in India. Europe belongs to Picasso, Matisse, Braque India belongs only to me.

European investment in Texas alone exceeds all U.S. investment in China and Japan put together.

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