Jennifer Lawrence can play me. We look exactly the same.

I have now exactly the same weight I had when I was 18, 20.

Acting in films hasn't changed me. I feel exactly the same.

The thrill of being in front of a camera remains exactly the same.

The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.

I'm in exactly the same position as everybody else who has a small business.

Every system I have in my house or my car, they're all tuned exactly the same.

Everybody tries to be exactly the same. I think being an outsider is a good thing.

Success is like reaching an important birthday and finding you're exactly the same.

Modernity is a shifting entity, not easily defined. Exactly the same is true of empire.

I don't think, in a country, you can have people thinking and feeling exactly the same.

It's very important with an artificial leg that all high heels are exactly the same height.

Arguments are extremely vulgar, for everyone in good society holds exactly the same opinion.

For me it is important that children be children. My parents felt exactly the same about me.

The Ferrari is exactly the same in the human context as the peacock's tail is on the peacock.

Hats look exactly the same. There's no difference between The Writing Hat and The Acting Hat.

My chest problem was a major worry because it was exactly the same symptoms as a heart attack.

Negroes are human beings with exactly the same faults and virtues as members of the other races.

One will never again look at a birch tree, after the Robert Frost poem, in exactly the same way.

When you're doing the work, film and TV are exactly the same. TV is just film in reduced pieces.

For years, I ate the same foods every day, in exactly the same manner, at exactly the same times.

You try and take every kick exactly the same, no matter if it's the beginning or the last minute.

The mind has exactly the same power as the hands; not merely to grasp the world, but to change it.

With your own children, you love them immediately - and with grandchildren, it's exactly the same.

Computers and electronic music are not the opposite of the warm human music. It's exactly the same.

Life teaches you it's not where you come from, it's where you get to, and work is exactly the same.

I hope we can all learn to embrace who we are & not judge people who aren't exactly the same as us.

Well, now we have exactly the same situation as at the beginning of the race, only exactly opposite.

Exactly the same with dancing, you can't dance until you've learnt steps, the things your feet can do.

Never underestimate the capacity of another human being to have exactly the same shortcomings you have.

In terms of work, I'm doing exactly the same as I've always done. It's what's around me that's changed.

There's so many ways you can play one chord progression that the repetition isn't ever exactly the same.

The great thing about Glasgow is that if there's a nuclear attack it'll look exactly the same afterwards.

The specifics of Cathy's and my life are different now, but the basic life challenges are exactly the same.

Here's the point to be made - there are no synonyms. There are no two words that mean exactly the same thing.

Wal-Mart impoverished its own customer base. Google is facing exactly the same issue long-term, although not yet.

If you win, everyone asks what's your secret, when most of the time you did exactly the same in the ones you lost.

To do eight shows a week saying exactly the same lines, you have to be obsessively perfecting it or utterly mindless.

With the right support, a deaf child can do exactly the same as a hearing child, yet constantly, they're being failed.

I just love playing snooker. Every single frame is different. Not one referee ever sets the balls up exactly the same.

I've always said I don't mind where I bat and I have exactly the same mindset when I'm batting seven as I would at five.

When critics are waiting to pounce upon poetic style on exactly the same grounds as if it were prose, the poets tremble.

At Christmas, 'It's a Wonderful Life' makes me cry in exactly the same places every time, even though I know it's coming.

British independent television is exactly the same as independent cinema. Very low budget, interesting, cutting edge stuff.

It's a bit weird; everybody is trying to be different, but then they're exactly the same as whatever mob they hang out with.

It's difficult to have any animosity towards someone if you recognize that on so many levels they're exactly the same as you.

Some people only work to recorded music because it's so reliable and exactly the same every time, which is exactly why I don't.

I feel like I've improved at everything I've done every single year - except golf. Golf, I've managed to stay exactly the same.

You can get a diamond which is worth 10 cents; you can get a diamond of exactly the same size, which is worth a hundred dollars.

There's only one rule in stand-up, which is that you have to be funny. Yet 99 per cent of comics look and talk exactly the same.

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