I just trust in God, work hard, and focus on executing.

Christ's crucifix shall be made an excuse for executing criminals.

When you're an assistant, you're executing the wishes of your boss.

There's a lot of power in executing data - generating data and executing data.

You worry about how you're throwing the ball, how you're executing your pitches.

Ideas by themselves are not worth anything, only executing well is what creates value.

Keeping a guy in prison costs 50,000 bucks a year. Executing one costs a couple million.

Social media marketers have already shown unusual savvy in executing campaigns in Brazil.

You can put in all the plays in the world, but if a guy is not executing it's not going to work.

If a guy's not executing very well, then obviously we haven't given him enough looks in practice.

Of course it looks bad when you're not executing. When things go bad, it's not going to look good.

[A]lthough the principle of equality has always been self-evident, it has never been self-executing.

Success in M&As comes with executing with vigour along with the obvious right choices that you got to make.

I like competing. Just going out there and battling. Having a game plan and going out there and executing it.

Charged with faithfully executing the laws, the president is, in effect, the nation's highest law enforcement officer.

Entrepreneurship is usually about people executing in the face of other folks telling them that it's not going to work.

Being mayor is about offering a vision for the city, putting the right people in the right place, and executing that vision.

I'm not thinking about anything when I'm climbing, which is part of the appeal. I'm focused on executing what's in front of me.

Design is directed toward human beings. To design is to solve human problems by identifying them and executing the best solution.

As awkward as it is to manoeuvre a ladder around the squared circle, there is an incredible art to 'excellently executing' a ladder match.

The practice of executing such offenders is a relic of the past and is inconsistent with evolving standards of decency in a civilized society.

If everyone knows the role they play, and they do their job - executing it well and with enthusiasm - it comes together successfully every time.

Remember, when God is executing His plan in our lives, He also designs and arranges events which continue to unfold until His purpose is revealed.

Under our constitutional system, the executive executes the laws that Congress has passed. It should not be executing laws that Congress has rejected.

Twilio is a great example of a company executing tremendously well on its vision and delivering a beautiful set of products that solves real problems.

I just love how fluid football has to be, how much time and energy it takes to practice and then taking it to the field and executing in a game situation.

Our customers, system, and shareholders are best served when we direct our focus and energy towards executing against these critical customer expectations.

We're the kings of partyin', and that's a great place to be. We can laugh stuff off and keep executing our vision of turning this world into a party planet.

In setting goals and executing a strategy, Wanda is sophisticated. We have good systems and departments. If targets are not reached, a yellow light goes off.

No director can ever deliver what's on his or her mind totally, but 'Baahubali-2' is the closest I can get in executing what I had envisaged onto the celluloid.

He who does nothing renders himself incapable of doing any thing; but while we are executing any work, we are preparing and qualifying ourselves to undertake another.

I feel very good about our business and the speed at which we are executing our strategy to drive differentiation for Accenture and accelerate our rotation to The New.

I'm not executing my pitches. I'm not commanding my fastball, and I get behind in the count. When I try to throw strikes, I'm getting hurt. That's not the way I pitch.

I'm proposing a change: love thy worker-bee. Celebrate the ones who toil without complaint, play on a team, construct the hive, produce the honey... executing the plan!

When I signed on to letting the death penalty back in, I thought the procedural protections against executing an innocent person were stronger than they turned out to be.

When executing advertising, it's best to think of yourself as an uninvited guest in the living room of a prospect who has the magical power to make you disappear instantly.

My view is that, as management, the focus has to be on having a strategy and executing it. As you do the strategy and execution, it is important to communicate it consistently.

In my experience, it is the leader - the CEO - who plays the crucial role in creating and 'owning' an organization's culture, setting the tone, and executing on that consistently.

Understand that the time in the audition is your time. Really own it and take control of it. And do what you prepared. Focus on really executing what it is that you intended to do.

It's going to come down to executing, trying to keep guys off balance and disrupting timing. That's something you can do regardless of how many times you face a lineup or face certain hitters.

The Internet browser is the most susceptible to viruses. The browser is naive about downloading and executing software. Google is trying to help by releasing the Chrome browser as open source.

WrestleMania is a week-long series of events, and the logistics of executing that week along with the week leading into it and the week after it are extraordinarily difficult in our own back yard.

As leaders, we must remember that effectively executing business plans involves a consistent engagement in activities that would typically create animosity in every other non-business relationship.

I'm always on to something else. It's like, I'm sitting here now jotting down notes for something that's in my head. There's always something going on in my head, and I have to just keep executing.

I don't care how many followers you have, but if you're executing amazing makeup, and you're working day to day in the makeup world and really changing the makeup world, to me that qualifies as a pro.

The role of a board of directors is to be a sounding board for the vision of the company - to hold executives accountable in executing that vision and to ensure a management succession plan is in place.

The rigor and discipline we use in running our business is key to consistently executing our growth strategy. And we systematically applied the same discipline to our investments, including acquisitions.

I think, with any new product that's difficult to understand, there are always lots of questions and criticism. I think we have all the right criticism. We're just going to keep executing on what we believe.

Culture used to be viewed as the 'touchy-feely' side of business, but that's no longer the case. If you don't have a defined culture behind you, then you aren't going to be effective at executing your strategy.

Startups are companies that are still in the process of searching for a business model. Ventures that are further along and executing their business models are no longer startups; they are early-stage companies.

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