It's a myth that you can have it all. You can't, but more importantly, I don't think you should want to. It sounds exhausting!

I am for the muscles. I would like to have a lot of muscles, because women like it. I'm for bodybuilding, but it's very exhausting.

Four More Shots' is high on the glamour quotient and has perfect looking women. But to constantly look perfect is quite exhausting.

I get anxiety and distressed from external stimuli quite easily, so if I'm in a constant state of self-protection, it's exhausting.

There's something about the lack of certainty with a documentary, which is exhausting if you do three in a row. It's nerve-wracking.

For me, it shouldn't just be a live show: it should be an experience. It should be some kind of crazy, tribal, exhausting experience.

I think you've got to be careful with social media. You can get addicted to the buzz of people liking and commenting. It's exhausting.

I'm not panicking any more or worrying about the next job. It was exhausting and making me very unhappy, and I was missing out on life.

Why do I find the fantasy - husband, family, kids - exhausting instead of alluring? Is there something wrong with me? Do I have a life?

Playing live, you can't survive, certainly not in England. We used to work daytime jobs and play gigs at night. It was very exhausting.

When I was 17 I interned at a school, and it was the most exhausting, difficult thing I've ever done, with all these screaming children.

Decency must be an even more exhausting state to maintain than its opposite. Those who succeed seem to need a stupefying amount of sleep.

Indeed, our particular concept of private property, which deters us from exhausting the positive resources of the earth, favors pollution.

Being one of my sources is exhausting. It's not one interview and you're done. I keep going back until I feel like I understand everything.

I like the idea of sort of playing quieter roles, which would be refreshing for a minute. It is exhausting being really loud and obnoxious.

I am the center of attention in my job every single day; the thought of a wedding to me is exhausting. Why would I put myself through that?

Depression is so exhausting - it takes up so much of your time and energy - and silence about it, it really does make the depression worse.

People with lots of doubts sometimes find life more oppressive and exhausting than others, but they're more energetic - they aren't robots.

Even at the times that I've pushed myself to exhausting limits to get myself at my lightest weight, I did not feel comfortable in that skin.

I miss sometimes the buzz of America. A sense that anything can change at the drop of a hat. In a way, it's an exhausting thing to live with.

I used to say I didn't want to teach. I was still excited about dancing. It's hard to do both. It's as exhausting teaching as it is to dance.

I'd love to be one of those guys who could be like, 'Yeah, it's really exhausting,' but the truth is I'm not method. I don't take roles home.

The main criticism people have of me is, 'Why are you trying so hard? This guy's exhausting.' Yeah, I am! That's my way of trying to get love.

A steady diet of the higher truths might prove exhausting, but it's important that we acknowledge their validity and celebrate their survival.

I last played in Dubai in the summer of 2009 and it was still over 40 degrees in the evening. It was extremely exhausting and absolute madness.

I don't think I'm an unhappy person. It's just an intensity, not a depressive thing. It's just not having enough layers of skin. It's exhausting.

You can't have artistic freedom if you have to think about seven different aspects of your own job all the time. It must be very, very exhausting.

I've made a few albums in such an autonomous way; it often has been exhausting. It's almost difficult to enjoy the process when you take on so much.

There's something in human nature, the trying-to-get-on-with-it quality of people, the struggle to maintain or keep the show going can be exhausting.

It's exhausting writing nonfiction, particularly when it's personal. It's tiring, always speaking about things that are not necessarily fun retelling.

Few men during their lifetime comes anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used.

I like people with their own opinions, and I like people who argue with me. It's very exhausting to be in a room full of people who just nod and smile.

When you're a French woman and you have a lot of Latin blood, you can be very dramatic. It definitely makes your personal life exciting - and exhausting.

As you keep pulling back the layers of how deeply rooted anti-blackness and white supremacy are in this country, it is exhausting, and it is traumatizing.

All the exhausting aspects of my job are made worthwhile because I get to experience so many different cultures. It makes you really appreciate the memories.

A film is like a mad arranged marriage, with all these people who don't necessarily want to be with each other forced into this intimate, exhausting process.

Yaar, television has become a very exhausting medium for actors now. It's like you are racing against time in the race for TRPs, which can be very saturating.

A 12-hour shift is physically exhausting. You give multiple shots, wearing heavy jewellry and make-up - and end up with dark circles, acne, and skin problems.

The language is always powerful in Shakespeare, but with 'Antony and Cleopatra,' the speeches are so big and muscular and rich - exhausting to speak, actually.

I can't cut off an ear everyday. Do the Van Gogh here and the Mozart there. Anyway it's exhausting enough always having to check up on what one is really doing!.

It's literally, if I'm not working out, I eat the whole time I'm not working out. It's exhausting. You have to force-feed. You have to force yourself to eat food.

I challenge anyone to find a better match than me and Goldberg at Havoc '98. There are few matches that were as physical, exhausting, and psychological as that one.

It is exhausting knowing that most of the time the phone rings, most of the time there's an email, most of the time there's a letter, someone wants something of you.

'Black Sails' was an amazing experience, but it was a really tough show for me to do. After four years, it was pretty exhausting because it was such a huge production.

As actors, we are always playing other characters. It's so exhausting and time consuming to figure them out, so when you get the time to be yourself, you should take it.

Not death but disease is the real enemy; disease, the malign force that requires confrontation. Death is the surcease that comes when the exhausting battle has been lost.

Acting and the industry of making movies is beautiful, but it's so exhausting and such hard work; if you don't absolutely 100% want to do something, it defeats the purpose.

It was all about flying round the world, working hard, being on the cover of Vogue, making money. It wasn't fun. It was exhausting, but I was young and convinced I knew best.

'Eclipse' is overlong and overly self-conscious, but it isn't a fake or a zero; it just gets exhausting. It raises a crucial question: 'When does Concept morph into Gimmick?'

I have a work-out regime; I am not a maniac. It sounds cliche, but stand-up comedy, doing a one-man show, helps keep me young, and yes, it is exhausting, but I don't collapse.

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